
@modestmouse: oh geeze, you posted it before; sorry. I kinda opened up the page and let it sit before finding your post and commenting. Thanks for commenting back.

@modestmouse: Heya, off-topic, but I'm jailbroken on a 3G with 3.1.2, can you point me to a good guide to get iOS4 and jailbreak it with multitasking and home screen wallpapers? while keeping all data if possible? I don't use iTunes to sync music and apps.

I've got a 3G on 3.1.2 Jailbroken and my dad has a 3G with iOS4 installed, not Jailbroken. His is faster than mine in app launching and especially switching to the spotlight search. His upgrade only took 5-15minutes [wasn't really watching]. Though I could say it took at least 45, but that's just because we have a

@Cyb3r_Punk: I am besides the fact that the starting courses aren't new to me. At FIT I had to take entry level Java courses [I already knew Java and wanted to move on to something new] and hated Digital Logic [an electrical engineering course that I personally find no use for, and the class was just poorly taught in

Motion-based gaming can be fun sometimes because you can just get up and be a fool with your friends, or in the comfort of your own home. It can be cool in the way of fighting games and FPS's and it's just fun to imagine having little people standing up out of your portable console.

I learned absolutely nothing about tech from my dad. I learned everything on my own. Though it was my mom who always claimed I knew everything about computers because I took the time to learn to operate Windows 95 [at age of 5; and I mean BASIC functions like the start menu] and later Windows 98 on my own. To not make

I saw the video and came and then showed a couple friends and you'd swear it was a circle jerk. I'm incredibly psyched for this game to be released; sheer amazement at the watermelons!

@iamjames: InsanePenguin is right, it's fantastic on OS X and I use it on Ubuntu; worth a try.

@gerrrg: "Just walk into the store and see which phone you like the best when you play with each one of them. Even on a platform, each phone has different attributes that make it uniquely different. "

@Helis: Depends how optimized it is; If we need Nvidia's Tesla GPU to get good frame rates from a single GPU solution then yes it'll change.

@gerrrg: Is it a problem that I don't particularly care about the "ecosystems" and just go for a phone/OS that suits my needs and wants?

@iComment10: To be honest, the places I've had my computer are sweltering hot; leaving it on would only make it hotter and cause damage to my parts. I actually dual-boot my computer with Ubuntu and Windows. I work in Ubuntu and game in Windows and I break often given I'm a college student. Fast boot helps me out

@Shawk: But that 3 is so 3dgy looking; and it's r3ally cool nowadays to r3plac3 actual l3tt3rs with oth3r charact3rs.

Sooo, according to the trailer, there's going to be a god mode switch in the options menu?

I'll buy if I can jailbreak. If I can't, I'll probably pick up that EVO 4G or the Incredible. I may even wait for WP7

I've been waiting for this ever since the game first appeared in flash form...

@joazito: I've done it without uTorrent, but with a RAR compressed episode of Dexter from a friends server; all while he was uploading it. If I'm thinking of the same thing that is...

The only good sounding thing about this game is the re-inclusion of dedicated servers...

Neat, I thought my account was a little more locked down than what was returned with this tool; fixed now.