
MGS didn't seem all that hard; maybe on the first play-through, but definitely not after that.

@Steven Ansell: Alright, I haven't looked into it, but I know people who have done it. It's not a final decision though; I don't have the money put aside for it right now.

Does anyone else notice Batman in #4?

@wild homes loves you but chooses darkness!: I haven't tried pushing my 5870 any further as I'm already in a bottleneck with my CPU [which I plan to change after I've saved up enough], but I can tell you that the 5870 [in the hottest room in the house] has gotten up to 49C-53C under load with F@H. The fan doesn't

This would be fantastic! The only reason I'd have to keep Windows around would be for Bad Company 2!

I don't think DD-WRT has the option to OC every router, but you can amplify the signal of every router, if I'm not mistaken.

I'm going to ignore the dock and just install Gnome-Do...no, I won't use the Docky skin, I'll use it as it is; a hidden window until Super+Space is pressed, then I start typing.

@DarthMonkey: Or keep going back in time and connecting to Halo 2 before Bungie turns it off so he can play with himself!

I found it nice to have two libraries of music. I rip my CD's in the lossless flac and put them on my 1TB storage HDD, then I use foobar [also what I use to play the flac] to convert it to MP3 for my iPod/iPhone and store it on my main OS HDD for iTunes and such. I try to get the best possible quality given my

Super + A I didn't know about; that's a fantastic shortcut, very useful with a lot of windows, the ring window switcher from Compiz isn't good enough sometimes.

The only phrase that comes to mind is: "Meanwhile, at Valve..."

@costero: Something in my gut is telling me that you can use Thunderbird to sync with your phone....or it's that Hot Dog I had for lunch....

Where's the BXR glitch? Oh wait that's not a glitch...

@securingsincity: Thanks, I'll try it in a bit on Windows 7; for the time, you think it'd work in Linux?

Am I wrong to use Microsoft Office 2007 via Wine?

@cookie: How many people are gonna do these things?

@yoNaturale: I don't see what the fuss is about, it's in the game, it's not a cheat or a glitch. /sarcasm