
@JamesGecko: Played it risky and now i'm stuck at "grub rescue" with an "error: symbol 'grub_puts_' not found"...reinstalling grub hasn't worked...

The bug mentioned in the third paragraph (or the update paragraph); should I be safe to assume this doesn't affect me if I just upgrade from 9.10?

Now if only my 360 wasn't banned....my profile is alive and kicking....I need a new xbox....

@SansSanity: Well, I'm actually turning 20 in the next 3 months, though I'm the youngest of my siblings with my parents becoming grandparents thanks to my older brother. Just to give you an idea of their age.

@LucasReis: Same, except my mother enjoys opera and my dad enjoys jazz, while I fall in the hardcore scene.

Does it matter which company bought from? [ie: ATI or Nvidia] Or does it simply use the available GPU to push out video?

What's the bit-rate on the music? and what format is it in?

She can't possibly be chainsawable, she's too busy being in the kitchen.

@Xander: Safari stops running in the background when you don't have pages open. If you have one page left, just open up the tab switcher and hit the X for a new blank page to come up and you won't see it in the background. Or just kill it with SBSettings Process Manager.

@Edwinik: 3-6 months? Maybe technically obsolete being overshadowed by the newer iteration of a part [cpu, gpu]; you don't always need the bleeding edge latest part for a functioning computer [pre-built suck by the way]. I know people who have no troubles playing current games on a Core 2 Duo E6750 [introduced 4

@volvaga0: I know it's not difficult, you know it's not difficult, pc gamers know it's not difficult, but this is going to the consoles now...

@DrZaius: Your bro obviously isn't a bro.

I'll pick up the standard copy, and I'm sure two of my room mates will pick up this special edition copy. If I play WoW again by then, I'm sure I'll get the pet. Otherwise, I don't really care...

@trey31357: This isn't the first time a site has gone down thanks to publicity on a gawker site. Though, this is the first time a site has gone out and blamed a gawker site for the traffic. I lol'd.

@-MasterDex-: Exactly how I feel. I see no real use for this, not real work. OOH, MS Office...pfft, my notebook can do that, but what else can it do? Apps? Web Browsing? Email? MEH.

@Ignignokt: What? I can understand the HDD clone, but all I've done to help [if you're referring to updates breaking the hackintosh] is backup the Extensions folder [and some other folder whos name escapes me currently] with terminal. If shit goes wrong, just boot with -s and restore the folders.

@soldstatic: Flash is way to prevalent to get rid of or move away from. This will just simply the process of installing the web browser. I know I once had a death struggle with Chrome and flash that put me back on Firefox for a little while; well, until I could fix it...