
“The franchise rights alone will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams.” -Peter Venkman

Shut up Charles.

Conservative MO, start trouble then cry victim. 

I just Googled his ranch. Lots of ground and trees and fences but I don’t see any animals. Wherever they are, yes, in New Mexico livestock and horses (and dogs) require vaccination.
He’s lyin’. All hat and no cattle.

For a further laugh read the comments under the instagram post. Almost everyone tells the guy he was being a dick and then the replies are all anti-science idiots spouting the same anti-Covid bullshit and talking about “his freedoms”. The guy did have freedom. He had the freedom to get off the plane and if he didn’t

The man looks like a parody of anti-science anti-vaxxer 

They only reject it when they are healthy.  The moment they get sick they want all the modern medicine they can pump in.  I know a few ER nurses and heard some Covid horror stories about very sick anti-vaccers and their families begging to give them the vaccine with literal no understanding of how a preventive vaccine

If I wasn’t already not watching Yellowstone, I’d not watch it.

Easier to do from 30,000 feet.

And they say liberals are snowflakes. JFC.

The bigger the belt buckle, the bigger the asshole.

I’d be pissed if I had to sit next to this entitled asshole and his stupid moustache.

“Person who insists on individual freedoms and choices objects to someone else’s individual freedom and choice.”

There’s a weird conservative tendency to think they are being attacked by simply being in a presence of someone who they assume has more liberal values than they do.

It was that Tony Clifton guy.

I mean no offense to anyone, it’s just that I’m a special kind of asshole who thinks he’s better than other people.”

What a snowflake.

Sort of like anyone I know who was declared themselves as ‘hating drama’ have been the most insufferably dramatic people I’ve ever known. 

In the immortal words of Norm MacDonald:

I am simultaneously someone who thinks most people are assholes, and people who feel the need to have no asshole policies have a high likelihood of being assholes.