
It happens to people who already were assholes or just don’t care to learn differently anymore.

You mean carefully crafted and edited videos from the IDF of the propaganda that they want to put out abut what happened on Oct 7th. The Israeli gov, never allowed any investigation, internal or external to the country to happen, silenced survivors, and has been actively blocking many attempts to investigate.

Seinfeld funded “The Bear Jews of Truth” (an unsubtle allusion to a violent bloodthirsty Zionist character in Inglorious Basterds, although at least that character had the decency to go after Nazis rather than peaceful protesters). That group participated in the violence.

I never said I couldn’t, which is the point.

Does this look like using “large screens” to simply show something?

Can we pause for a second and ask why Jerry and his wife are literally paying for hired goons to violently attack peaceful pro-Palestine protests?

Again, an old white man, after loudly complaining that you can’t say anything anymore, continues to say whatever comes to his mind.

Because Star Wars is at heart fantasy and not science fiction. There are spaceships, robots, laser swords, and aliens, but the story it’s telling is closer to epic fantasy than SF. The Force is basically magic. The bad guys are black knights and evil wizards. There are advanced technologies like FTL and AI, but as in

You’re correct, but I gotta say... “The only conclusion I’ve ever been able to come to is that the people of the SW universe are simply really not smart and don’t understand anything of the world they’ve built around themselves. It’s Idiocracy in space.” So the same as our universe. Do you think under capitalism that

His “mark” rate is not 100% but the vast majority of people he pulls this shit on are either obviously above the ridiculousness (lots of Ali G marks are decent but clueless people) or genuinely awful shitheads who have earned getting fucked with. I don’t really give a tin shit if Rudy Giuliani came to a fake interview

I bought one when I was 21 and had it 3 years. Loved it at the time but seems crazy to me now at age 50. I’m very lucky to have avoided a bad crash. 

Really? It’s not difficult.

He was definitely noteworthy in Gen V.

I love that there are people on this planet who have thoroughly digested all 8 seasons of fucking Home Improvement and want to continue the adventure.

Tim Allen is a coke snitch, always worth remembering, really sad the reaper took John Ritter instead of him

Benioff and Weiss are the “creators” of 3 Body Problem now? I’m sure that’ll come as a big surprise to Liu Cixin, given that he wrote the original novel 16 years ago.

Thank you - I saw yours and decided to respond with something of equal value.

Non diversity hires famously have never caused huge catastrophic accidents or failures.

One of my supervisors at work was railing about the harbor pilot being a DEI hire and I was baffled as to where he picked that up. I guess I know where he gets his news now...

People who were old enough like Rudd’s character remembered. Kids didn’t know. Ask kids today about anything that happened in the 80s ..or like what us a rotary phone ...they don’t know that stuff man. That made sense to me.