
As a gen Xer I hate this century for almost everything but the culture stuff. Vast improvement with the whole anti-racism/anti-sexism/anti-homophobia/anti-zionism/anti-rich thing.

Mine is Gen X and it’s already been happening early.

Rightoid losing his mind in the greys lol

Boomers really not handling their twilight years well.

The age-old “outside agitators” label MLK’s white “moderates” love to use never fail to make me laugh.

lol taxes

You’re not supposed to take this pulp science fantasy this seriously, you fucking nerd.


Not true of many ancient cultures, sometimes quite the opposite. However leprosy is “normal” and has been around since the dawn of time, so leprosy =good, I guess. 

The only reason I know who she is is because very online chuds are super preoccupied with her

Finally, Abbie Hoffman will pay for his crimes.

It’s not an argument, it’s me giving you positive feedback on your comedy act.

Yup now the moral panic is “DEI hires. Seems all the rightoid NPCs got the minor dialogue patch by now.



Hey! You can’t enjoy things here!


Kind of like how creationists tend to look unevolved, I’ve noticed anti-maskers tend to be the ugliest people who really should wear masks so no one has to look at that shit.

I like that tune of hers she sings with those other chicks, “Hold On

Andy did nothing wrong.