It almost annoys me how good John Cena’s comic delivery is.
It almost annoys me how good John Cena’s comic delivery is.
Good point, old chum.
I’m not sure how they’ve been lazy? They’ve released three big open-world games over the past decade and their studio isn’t very big by modern AAA standards. You might not like their recent output but that doesn’t mean they’re lazy. I think Starfield is their weakest game since Daggerfall but can still recognize the…
Due to his accurate knowledge of Fallout 5, Jonathan was then promptly blacklisted by Todd Howard.
None of the skulls are on fire, fix immediately
Die mad
I guess “Get Woke Go Broke” is a load of horseshit then?
I think the Batman bit was possibly made even better by that ascot Michael Keaton wore, which just made him look like ‘60s-era Bruce Wayne.
Never forget the soundtrack either!
Super Mario World is just perfect. It’s the ultimate distillation of everything the SMB series brought to video gaming. The level designs are inspired and endlessly inventive. The movement is intuitive, but very deep (you can do SO MUCH with the cape!) The character designs are filled with personality. There are…
For me, it’s the corporatization of it. Like when someone says, “I really like drinking coke, so I got a tattoo of the cursive Coca-Cola logo.” All I can think is, yikes.
That’s unfair. Even Boomers don’t assume someone’s wedding night is their “first night of fun”.
Huh? People from all generations can think weddings themed around entertainment franchises are stupid.
Good artists borrow... great artists etc. etc.
I would go so far as to say that his score for “The Empire Strikes Back” is one of the 100 greatest musical works of the 20th century. He absolutely should be considered as one of the great composers in history.
Jesus christ, gamers are exhausting.
Steam forums are fucking repulsive, as are most spots where gamers congregate. Actually, gamers are fucking repulsive. I would never admit to being a “gamer” in public. I enjoy games, but it’s not my entire life.