Agree, social media is full of people thinking they are comedy geniuses trying so hard to make clever, crazy analogies or “lol random” comparisons.
Agree, social media is full of people thinking they are comedy geniuses trying so hard to make clever, crazy analogies or “lol random” comparisons.
you mean the nic cage wicker man right? that was bonkers
Yeah it’s just kind of regular awkward. And there was nothing there on the level of Morbius’ abysmal post credits scenes.
I’d certainly think twice about employing anyone who had consented to being interviewed by Piers Morgan.
What happened on Oct 7th happened every day in Gaza before and after October 7th, but it doesn’t get exclusive press screenings (ones only for select press who have to sign NDA’s).
Hamas is reacting to 75 of occupation and slaughter, Israel is committing genocide with the backing of the US. If you are a US citizen it is your duty to speak out against the genocide the US is backing and not “both sides” it.
Do you realize how narcissistic it is to comment on an article saying you don’t want to read the article? Do you realize nobody gives a shit?
No one is asking you to care, much less forcing you to click the articles, poopshoe.
While the sentence was definitely nothing, I have to say: "film veteran" doesn't mean multimillionaire. Assistant directors aren't taking home lottery jackpot-type salaries.
Fuck Hannah Gutierrez-Reed -- she has blood on her hands.
Exactly! And the whole ‘I’m gonna tell a story in a series of 50 Tweets’ thing is/was stupid as hell anyhow.
Yep, this. I’ve never had a Twitter account, and I’m not fucking starting now.
That’s just a link to a lone Xtacle though. He should really do an article on it, Xtacles are a trash way of presenting information.
Great thread. Yeah, I don’t get the Baldwin-must-pay-at-all-costs drive people have. Is he an arsehole? Probably. Doesn’t mean he should do time for a death he wasn’t responsible for. There is, rather famously, no law against being an arsehole.
“ was now impossible for her to get a fair trial in a prosecution for Hutchins’ death.”
The Fantastic Four are great, the problem is the movies, not the concept.
No, they arent. Maybe if you believe the bullshit from the past few years they try to pass off as writing.
He works better as a hero, when they give him to a good writer. Hickman and Byrne’s versions were great.
That was a f*cking abomination. That guy isnt Reed.
Which was bullshit. Its just bad writing from bad, edgy writers who dont know what to do with him.