

Yeah like they passed onto the next level of the afterlife or something. I sure af don’t think Beetlejuice “lore” is something we should be anal about.

Better Call RuPaul oh shit


and the only socially acceptable people to do that to are rich famous people” I wish

Why do chuds always use this username



Return the wealth back to their countries and I will lift the curse.

lol what

I noticed your comeback is not a space opera.

I hung in there for several episodes (I actually liked the first episode but every episode after more and more ate away at my good will), but the one that was like 80% about her where she’s out in the desert is where I stopped. I realized I wasn’t enjoying the show and was just forcing myself through it because I

If you say so. I’ll never know because there should have been a non-shit season 1 if you wanted me to watch a season 2.

And honestly, give them a crack at making a proper sequel to Dragon Age: Origins. Since EA/Bioware keeps fucking it up.... We just want to continue our Warden you asshats!” nah

That’s a very touchy-feely and dramatic reply, quite unlike your original cynical comedy post.

Yippee ki yay, Mr. Falcon.

Did you notice that Die Hard 2 is not a porn parody musical western? QED/checkmate.

I’m sure his arbitrary rule about sequels will allow that one.

“completely different tone and genre from the first movie” Lol

“Stop making sequels the same as the first movie!”