
They’re good devs and don’t deserve this bullshit. That’s a lot of hard work possibly down the drain.

lol wtf

There’s a whole generation now that only knows these two shitbirds as the SNL news guys for their whole life and I feel sorry for them.

Could be worse, she could be a writer for post-90s SNL

Better ending: the whole thing was Bob Newhart GMing an rpg.

So it turns out they were playing a World of Darkness game in 1993 the whole time!

Lol a shit ton of people watched Loki S1

Literally describing Thanos.

Looks like she... Lived to Tell.

Poor people are more likely to stick with abusive relationships because of finances (for themselves and/or their kids). They have fewer resources to escape abusers when they do leave.

lmao still gold

I hated having a UI that mostly accommodated people who enjoyed talking to inanimate objects.

And we’d still have that Kinect shit foisted onto the latest consoles.

Being way ahead of its time at a shitty thing is one hell of a victory lap.

Ugh we’re going to be inflicted with this annoying theatre kid for years to come, aren’t we

Oh okay so we’re talking about real, actual antisemitism not you made some students and a billionaire uncomfortable criticizing Israel’s war crimes and colonialism while acknowledging the human rights of Palestinians “antisemitism.”

I bet you think he didn’t say this, either