
Not being a whiny bigot is a very low bar.


Says the guy who is constantly terrified by The Wokes in every corner

Glad someone was thrilled by Mon Mothma’s rip-roaring couch conversations about her bank account adventures!

Leftism is when boring” is not a great lesson for the kids. But it’s kinda true. Read more theory, kids.

No no, it’s the wokies! Wokey brokey!


Ah Andor. Serious Mature Star Wars for Big Grown-Up Adults (who are ashamed of liking space wizard movies for 12-year-olds) 

You’re The Nazis Now, Dawg!

Broke go. Wokewoke. Brokedy wokedy go.

Interesting. Thanks, sport.

having his career destroyed thing.” lol

End Israel’s ethnic cleansing! Free Palestine!

At any rate, I thought Curb season 7 was all the revival that Seinfeld ever needed and everyone would be better off just leaving it at that.”

Valid complaint, then?

Ok colonizer.

Eh, I’m not interested in a RoboCop game that doesn’t satirize big business, mass consumerism, and fascism, like the the original movie. It’s a valid concern.

Individual cops weren’t condemned (except maybe the lead SWAT guy) but American policing was. Militarized servants of hypercapitalism, with the desired “perfect cop” being an ultra-violent one with a human face but no humanity.

Free Palestine

Okay, I’ll keep posting more. See, I knew you loved it!