DJ Squibbles

I wonder if there’s anything else that could be used to open a glove box? Like a mechanical linkage that may be operated manually? Have any other manufacturers done such a thing?

That wasn’t the real ash. The priest burned his thumb when he touched her forehead.

I didn’t read the article: the poster

It’s roughly 80 bucks for a quarter mile role of barbed wire. Minimum you want for a fence is 3 strands, but we’re going to be very clear on this. a 6 strand fence to clearly say “no entrada”.

So that’s 6 rolls for every quarter mile.

In addition you need 4 8 inch wood posts, 56 4 inch posts, 55 steel T-posts, clips

Try living with so little spare money that if you lost your job you would be broke in a month (living paycheck to paycheck)

Yeah, but can I finance it for $500/month through one of the sellers?

bUt CoRpOrAtE bRaNd IdEnTiTy!1!!!

I feel like you missed Lauren’s point. Did you actually read the article?

Swear that that you are not a hockey fan and I might not call you a racist.


Totally agree. The headlock is the go to move for when you don’t want to fight but you don’t want to get punched either. Which anyone who has a little brother can attest.

Idk but that headlock was awesome

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

I know there’s inflation...

With a few tweaks to the tech, this could be really cool, but stupid corporate walls make me think this won’t ever happen:

Why is it that, generally speaking, when Americans hear of companies ripping people off in legal, but objectively morally reprehensible ways, we say “Oh well thats the market for you. Capitalism at work!”? But when workers decide to band together to get a pay raise we attack them for being money grubbing bastards who

If your employees are able to stop work and hold you hostage you should probably pay them more. If it doesn’t significantly impact your business you have more leverage to negotiate, if your business is significanly impacted then their skills are worth more than you are paying them. Labor markets aren’t always open

The plotting itself in Act 2 was pointless. What Rian Johnson was trying to do (I’m not sure I totally agree with his decisions) was take the usual harebrained Star Wars convoluted Hail Mary hero plan and make it fail. And fail spectacularly.

Big, if true.