DJ Squibbles

Cool that so many people don't believe in rehabilitation at all and apparently want all violent criminals either executed or eternally imprisoned. 

The ‘Skins didn’t force him to come in early because they are dicks, it was just that they had such good news to share with him that they couldn’t stand it any longer and just had to tell him.

What time will Snyder call in Allen to fire him?  Never o’clock?  The one constant (other than Snyder) with this team is Allen.  It’s the proverbial definition of insanity here.  Allen is not a good person, and is a terrible judge of talent and perhaps even worse at running a front office.  Until that changes, the

For an extra 2850 you can get the Scooty Puff Sr.

I’ve had them since launch and think they have the most enjoyable case on the market.  I actually have them on my keys with no issues.  You’re wrong about the button, though.  In the app you can program a single, double, and long press action.

My Junior year at University, three friends and I rented a house together. One Saturday morning, we’re all in the kitchen, each making our own breakfast. One roommate, let’s call him “Derek” was literally a genius...a triple-major of Math, Chemistry, and Biology (he’s an MD, now). Derek looks at me and says, “How do I

Nothing unsweetened can taste like a skittle.  They’re made of 95% sugar, and that’s why they’re delicious.

GTFOH. You think Uber started a car leasing program just so people can drive part time? If you take corporate speak at face value, you are a tool.

Man, these comments are super disappointing - why are yall so adamant about sticking up for corporations? Are they paying you?

Let’s go over some things here:

1. Back in 2015, Uber and Lyft actually did pay a very nice wage. Remember all the fluff pieces backed by Uber and Lyft talking about drivers earning over 100K

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

I’m saying all that other stuff. 

In the U.S. it’s also redlining, and the crack epidemic, and the Ku Klux Klan, and the response to Hurricane Katrina, and COINTELPRO, and cops murdering black people without consequence, so...really nothing passive-aggressive about that.

It’s called Titanfall 2

You are not, nor will ever be, me.

Only have time for one “live service” rpg of this kind in my life at the moment. Also Destiny’s character progression system is beginning to grow stale for me.

Flexibility. A lower minimum payment increases your flexibility when applying for other loans, say mortgages. Plus with no penalty for early payoff you give yourself some room to breathe when all hell breaks loose. Rule of thumb should be longest term you can get at the lowest rate, pay it off on your schedule, not

So we’re just not going to talk about whatever the hell this is?

There’s a saying, “To be African American is to be African without history and American without privilege.”

Quote from President Trump:

Now playing

Go ahead and fast forward to 0:40. Very relevant.