DJ Squibbles

You won’t see this as much in the suburbs. Those white people have curtains and blinds and shit to hide all of the money they’re embezzling and neighbors they’re fucking.

“Is there a calculator for people who don’t live permanently in the year 1990 and do actual modern contract work as a sole-proprietor LLC?”

This is the problem with ‘car enthusiasts’. They are 90% talk. For all of the people on this site who clamour about how they want a german, turbodiesel, AWD, 6spd manual, station wagon.. thats brown.. reality is these people are driving 10 year old used Hondas & Toyotas.. or whatever cheap car they can actually afford.

Underground 2 takes the cake for me, but that might have something to do with the lack of cops. I know they’re generally seen as a staple of NFS, but I preferred racing and cruising around without running the risk of getting caught up in an arbitrary chase. The soundtrack and ridiculous modifications (you should

That dap at :48

Tom, should you focus on his penis when his balls are the real story? I understand the confusion since there’s not a vas deferens between the two.

“Infinite possibilities for environmental destruction made Crackdown 2 a sensation.”

Wall Street is always complaining and smearing those companies that don’t pay them thier “protection” money. You know, additional dividends. They’d rather have the quick cash now than be set up for long term viability with r&d investment. So that makes sense that they’d complain, but it’s so routine that you can

“It’s a good thing Burneko’s right that there are things to appreciate besides rings”

Shockingly, we have these things called “laws” which regulate what people can do, and—I know this is the kind of thing that may surprise you—sexual harassment is what’s known as “illegal.”

On the one hand, seeing John Wall make the leap is incredibly satisfying. On the same hand, seeing Colin Cowherd eat his words about Wall earlier in his career is even more enjoyable.

He’s a longsuffering Wizards fan (as am I). Just let us have our (likely fleeting) moment in peace, please. Thanks.

You’re talking about Forbes, aren’t you? Haha.

And Beverly has been playing great since that pick. Your point?

best part of this is the pearl clutching in the stands

Celtics/Wizards right now too and these guys genuinely seem to hate each other as well. Good stuff.

The Division’s biggest problem is the developers don’t seem to have any idea what they want the game to be long-term. They released Underground, which was a decent idea, but have done nothing to improve or expand it, and have actually pared down the possible rewards for it. They released Survival, which is excellent,

“All this goddamned success and competence will NOT stand.” - Dan Snyder

“Past Due” Theory at it’s finest.

Jesus I’m so fucking tired of people making that “Zodiac Killer” noise about Senator Cruz. Have some fucking respect, assclown.