DJ Squibbles

I can’t name them, but I can describe their personalities and stories.
It’s one of the movie’s great accomplishments that it managed to deftly weave together so many arcs:

FitBit didn’t buy the company. It bought some company assets. Why are people so pissed at FitBit?

“They’re actually hitting harder than the Jets’ defense” stone cold assassination there man. I mean, it’s true but damn man.

I don’t know what’s more embarrassing, being caught at a Jets game, or being caught at a Jets game.

Sorry, but holy Jesus upside down on a cross, could you please change the title of your post from something not so spoilery? I have been avoiding anything from that movie for as long as possible, and sure enough, bam, here it is. It’s not enough that we have plot spoiling trailers, but now this?!?!?

I had a phone die recently and while I was waiting for my new phone to arrive, I decided to just use an old 1st gen Moto x for a few weeks.

So really it should say “Guy retires as planned”.

I can’t think of another player THIS fucking angry at the basketball for being born.

People think the worst things about the Trump presidency is that Donald Trump is a hate-spewing, divisive narcissist with no experience or plan.

But the worst thing for me is that Mitch McConnell is happy.

Totally agree. I think Liberals need to take a long look in the mirror and think about one thing, arrogance. They have been so cocky and arrogant about this election cycle or the last two or three. It jumped up and bit them in the ass in a huge way last night.

You obviously hold a bias and that’s OK, I’ve hated Ubisoft plenty over the years, but this is, as you said, Massive. A company that is not Ubisoft. Kick the bias off and treat the game as backlog, not some must-avoid-or-will-be-poisoned title. Besides, if you already owned it, you already ... stroked the garbage

Gamers: “Wah, game devs don’t take risks”

When I take my family to a public sacrifice to appease the cruel god of the void, I really hate it when an acolyte of Ner’huul makes an extra flourish with his bone knife or, and gosh this is THE WORST, when the High Priest makes a big show of eating the heart of the spring virgin. It’s like, act like you’ve BEEN

That includes handicapping the access of fire trucks (8.5 feet wide without their mirrors). Just sayin.

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I don't understand why people pretend to be pissed off about this... its hilarious and fun


I have 6 year old relatives who only comment on articles they've actually read all the way through.

There wasn't a dry eye in the house, except, you know, one of his.