DJ Squibbles

What? How's that? Soccer can be the hugest game in the world and still do things wrong. If baseball can use instant replay and soccer can use goal line technology, I'm not seeing why we have to dismiss an idea out of hand just because some other sport does it.

Some people, for whatever reason, need that external assistance. I can't speak for anybody else, but it creates a certain feeling of obligation that ensures that I go in to the gym even if I don't want to.

I was just watching the The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia yesterday, which is how I learned about Jesco White.

I would point out that a lot of the things that "benefit you in the afterlife" (kindness to others, charity, selflessness, etc.) can benefit you in the here and now as well.

That... barely qualifies as a response. There's nothing I can say to it. So, um... carry on, I guess.

I'm not convinced how sincere you are about this discussion, but that's just because this is internet.

Well... at least it's legal for the FBI to operate on U.S. soil. That's almost something like comforting.

I don't know how I feel about assuming that he's at fault just because she pushed the proceedings. Obviously we don't have anything in the way of concrete evidence either way, but... it's not always the guy's fault.

No reason to suspend him. All he said is that it's not something that he believes in; from what I surmise, it's a matter of faith for him. But he didn't say anything derogatory about gay people, gay marriage, or anything else.

There's nothing wrong with the seats. Other than that, you gotta remember that this is to make your car fast and furious. That's why you need the tints, NOS, lights, body kit and custom paint.

Just because they're reporting that Tesla paid back their loans doesn't automagically make them sycophants. It's noteworthy and it's car-related.

A (Wired?) article seems to indicate that the hooks for disabling used games are in, but it's up the devs to enable.

Well, I read an article on (Wired?) that seems to indicates that the hooks for disabling used games are there, but it's up to the developers to enable them or leave them alone.

That... looks bad. I'm definitely not one to white knight for a company, but it's at least possible that you could remove the license from one console and put it on another, which would allow for used games.

Where did you see the blocking of used games confirmed? Could you provide a link, or are you just mixing how you feel with FUD?

I thought about it, but I was in love with the Supra long before those movies come out. I'll always adore it.

Absolutely. I'm probably coming across as unreasonably argumentative, since it's mostly semantics. But the phrasing just had a... weird connotation to me.

I'm just curious as to why you said 'but a 7-year-old girl was accidentally killed from a shot fired from an officer's gun." instead of saying that the officer accidentally killed her. The way you phrased it seems to absolve the officer of any active responsibility.

Seriously. As a fan with a case of Wizards love (currently in remission), you know what happens when your guy comes back to quick? He probably loses his career.