DJ Squibbles

He didn't even make it to preseason, where he might have had a chance to prove something. The NFL is entitled to do just... whatever the fuck they want, apparently, but your argument is so bad that it's not even disingenuous. Unless you own a team, I'd like to know why you're white knighting so hard here.

If the federal government basically gave private industry a free pass on helping to spy on us with minimal oversight, I don't know why we'd expect anything less from an ACTUAL governmental agency.

Yeah, but I don't think you're the guy running 40psi, either.

Man, if you think that was a lie then I don't know what you're going to do when you find out what Borderlands originally looked like before they went with the current graphic style.

Worst company in America? Nah. Worst gaming company in the world? You've got a much stronger argument there. I'm just gonna hit the bullet points, because everything before and after that point is clearly the fluffiest of fluff:

Yup. Feels like, if you're going to buy a C30, you should just buy a C30 and tart it up a little bit. You'll probably end up with an overall preferable experience, since your expectations will be appropriately lowered.

I'm not clear what you're basing your assumption on. Is it the inherent ridiculousness of a Facebook phone? This device doesn't appear to be beating you over the head with it.

There is no way anybody's going to guess that my password is twatwaffle goatcunt just because it has some naughty words in it.

Prying eyes, not praying eyes.

Yup. If some guy with a cameraphone caught the whole thing from three feet away, I'd watch. Then I'd cringe in horror as I saw the bone and immediately regret it.

This is cool as-is, but I was a lot more excited to click this trying to figure out how the fuck they shoe-horned three motors into a Fiat 500 and just... everything about this seemed insane.

Man... they did this back in September. I guess they really should have done a better idea of publicizing it.

Wait a little bit, then get the Galaxy S4. Great phone, doubt very much you'll be disappointed. I would say to get the HTC One, because I'm basically fetishizing the device at this point, but I haven't even seen anything that 100% confirms VZW will get the device.

As I understand it, this basically tells your connection not to bother with whatever your ISP might have cached, and to go directly to the source (i.e. YouTube). So... end result is faster speed.

You forgot to click the hyperlink that takes you to Rockstar's site, where the rest of the pictures are.

If I know what you're reading, then I know what you like, then... and then they get sued by the E.U. because, frankly, the E.U. just likes suing really big American companies.

I've never seen or heard of anyone using spit on their glasses, something for which I am duly grateful.

Pew Poll in 2012: 49% of African-Americans oppose gay marriage. (http://www.people-press.org/2012/04/25/more-support-for-gun-rights-gay-marriage-than-in-2008-or-2004/)

No such thing as too soon. A joke in bad taste will always be in bad taste. That's not to say that it won't be funny, mind you. It's just that it'll always be in poor taste.

TiBu does a lot more, but Carbon looks like it will be a HELL of a lot easier to use. Nobody ever accused Titanium Backup of being intuitive.