DJ Squibbles

All that said... homophobia is, in fact, pretty prevalent in the black community. So... you might want to pull back a little bit on that moral indignation or whatever that is you're feeling.

Just because the phone's got low-end specs doesn't make it "basically [a] dumphone." You should go back to one of the phone stores and actually pick up a dumbphone. They're still there.

Poe's Law, man. I stopped assuming the people in comment sections are universally subtle a long time ago. I'd rather assume the surface stupidity is indicative of deep-level stupidity, and be pleasantly surprised, than assume that everyone's commenting intelligently and be constantly disappointed.

The idea of Astons with grilles like that started with the DB9 and they've been getting bigger ever since. Ford owned Aston from 1997-2004.

This is what I was thinking. Even if they were getting ready to release the 5S, there's no reason for them to cut down on the screens they need unless you think the 5S is going to have completely new display technology.

I think I'd be a lot more excited about this if my group of Facebook friends were the type who were always checking into everything they do. But most of them... don't.

The information was conveyed in a succinct and effective manner. You identified the target audience and explained why they would want this product.

I look forward to sitting next to you on the way to hell.

Just thought I should tell you about FinalGear. You get all of the episodes, as they were intended, without having to worry about jankiness.

Don't play with my emotions, Stephen. I still have dreams of a Nokia Nexus from time to time.

I think the difference is that this running QB can also throw in the pocket. He just hasn't learned that they will eat him alive and shit out his bones if he doesn't learn to slide and just generally get the fuck out of the way of the scary men who want to hurt him.

I can itemize everything I spend. I can get receipts for every penny I spend. And it helps me keep more of a sense of what I'm spending than cash does.

But imperial is dumb and arbitrary. He also went on to explain his thesis.

I know I'm being horribly pedantic, but if nobody fell as hard as Fisker... why are they fifth?

Really? You think us Americans think the F-150 is the most popular car in the entire world, everywhere, forever? Come on. Give us Jalops some credit.

TI-83+ and Drug Wars. I remember I wrote the prices down on an index card because I could never remember them, and then left them in my living room.

So basically, you eat and then drink twice as much... and then think drinking is the problem? Not quite sure that's sound logic.

All my votes for Pocket. Just... all of them.

I want to reply to you. I really do. But I know people like in you in real life, and I'm pretty sure that you would rather die than acknowledge the possibility that you might be wrong.

You forgot the earthquakes.