DJ Squibbles

No one could argue with what you're saying. On the other hand, the argument that this company made boils down to, "They're going to kill us all and then start charging."

They're taking your own cells and putting them back into you. They're not adding anything. I don't know if what you're doing is a red herring or a straw man (never could keep them straight) but, either way, I don't think it's applicable.

If you can use your own stem cells to get healthy, then you're not buying drugs. If you're not buying drugs, big drug companies aren't making as many billions of dollars and the FDA will suffer a subsequent loss of power and influence.

They were calling it burpees when kids were doing it in gym in the 90s. It's not exactly a new phenomenon.

That just reinforces my point. What is it, exactly, that you're giving this coach props for? Lying to a small child? I don't see where that's impressive.

If the coach had the stones to tell the kid that he wasn't going to get any playing time because he wasn't good enough for the title game, I'd give him props for telling the kid a hard truth.

Is it inappropriate to heart you, comment_ninja? This gave me a fizzy feeling in my genitals (word to Captain Slow).

And when it comes to football, aren't percentages and algorithms all we really care about?

The original headline was something along the lines of "BMW PR kills 114 in Europe."

I play Elder Scrolls games. So... no. No, it isn't.

By the milkmaids of Vishnu, that is a terrible fucking headline. I was trying to figure out how BMW managed to kill 114 people.

You're missing a >, Kyle. And also a < / a >.

You can drop NESoid now. That smug feeling that the App Store would never let it fly isn't applicable since the Google Market doesn't let it fly, either.

And how did you get said virus?

Yup. And with Bouncer, you... won't.

I can't even imagine how many people have had their lives changed by the monkey scene. To find out that it wasn't real... for someone who stopped believing in the typical fairy tales (stork, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny) at a fairly early age, I can only imagine that this feeling I have in my chest is a faint shadow of

Don't know what happened with your phone, but when I've run factory installs and/or purchased a new phone, one of the first things it does is go completely insane downloading all of my apps.

Justin Steele is a great porn name.

The last three articles of yours have literally convinced me to buy your books.

... pheh, stupid people and their words. You know what I meant!