
I think it's helpful to recognize that when we say white people do x, or black people do x, we're generally talking within a very specific USA framework and not the plurality of people who share a skin tone around the globe. So what listenlive and that slate article are arguing is that within American culture white

It sounded from the original story that this wasn't part of a yearbook, rather a photo she had taken that she sent along with a thank you note to the university. The university then chose to share it. She did not post it publicly (though I'm sure she was fine with it going viral).

But taking *any* photo is for attention, as is walking on stage to get a diploma in a fancy optional ceremony, as is choosing to invite loved ones to a graduation. Other people might have worn a pin of their favorite sports team or written something clever on the top of their cap or worn expensive clothes. So, so many

No, you're an asshole for 1. expecting people not to feed their children because it offends your sensibilities to see an unclothed breast in a crowd of graduates. 2. Acting like there is something generally wrong with promoting your actions and receiving attention as though that's not something all humans everywhere

The amount of assumptions you have made in that comment is mindboggling. Perhaps neither was on purpose—perhaps people simply took their picture while these women were doing something completely normal, like, you know, FEEDING THEIR BABIES. WTF about this equals "shoving it in people's faces"? Get over yourself.

Yeah, I don't think she was on the dais there. In fact, I have never seen a baby with their parent on a dais in any graduation I have attended. Graduation days are long; are you suggesting she not feed her child the whole day?

I know it doesn't mention it in this article, but if you took a moment to read a single other article about the incident you would realise that this occurred in/just outside a cafe. Before the ceremony. And far, far away from your modest sensibilities.

She does not appear to be on stage, so I'm not sure what you are getting at with people in the audience. She's just on a chair somewhere. Why wouldn't she feed her kid? I mean, I would definitely try to avoid the exact moment I'm walking across the stage to collect my accolades, but the whole damn ceremony? That baby

Good point. Next time you're eating in public, can I walk up and slap the food out of your hand?

With all of that going on, do you really think that you or your family will be paying attention to a breastfeeding woman? I can't remember who was sitting in front of me at my graduation. It could have been a breastfeeding woman or a polar bear for all I know.

It is not a personal statement about her "rights" she is just feeding her child because they are hungry.


5/ We need to know who to harass on Twitter.

or . . .
1/ Her identity being known is in the public interest! It affects how I butter my toast in the morning!!!!!!111
2/ Everyone needs to know who the victim is. This will of course help the victim. It will also encourage more victims to come forward./
3/ The

VLC encountered a problem with Windows

Help others install VLC, like this protester assisting the police with their install!

Or the fact that he straps toys to the front of his garbage truck and drives around with them on there. Like this guy.

I HATE THIS FORMAT. CNN is terrible for even setting this up as an arguable topic. Particularly terrible is hearing one side representing by a man who'll never experience this. I'd like to defer to John Oliver's climate change representation on this issue.

I'm a little older than you, but I'm being very specific to how I would react as a loving parent in a lot of these books, not necessarily how our parents may have reacted.