Hehe, internet people who get judgy about what turns people on are funny to me. Apparently this one thinks hes/he knows about the porn preferences of "most dudes."
Hehe, internet people who get judgy about what turns people on are funny to me. Apparently this one thinks hes/he knows about the porn preferences of "most dudes."
It's low in a world in which the most popular porn frequently implies exploitation and nonconsent of female actresses and features violent gangbangs/sex and degradation of women.
Hahaha, a well designed car is enough for my husband to masturbate to ;)
Can confirm Aludra's theory.
I don't know, I appreciate the time and energy that went into this. I'd respond. It's way better than "ur hawt wanna fuk".
It's long, but I appreciate something a little out of the ordinary. It gets tiresome when you hit the 15th "Sup." message. Or, conversely, the 15th "dtf?" message.
So, he's either painfully socially inept or HILARIOUS! ....I guess I'm weird, but I'd want to meet him either way :D
I would totally reply to this, and I'm only on OKC for chicks.
Is it bad that I actually like it a bit? He seems pretty quirky and funny to be honest, at least an interesting guy to talk to.
I live near Petaluma and will meet him for coffee, I am married though so our relationship won't go anywhere.
Call me crazy, but I'd totally say hello.
I kind of like it.
I found it funny and even a little bit charming. *im a software developer though
I think it's funny! It comes off to me like he is joking in his own quirky way. I'm not throwing any shade.
This says a lot about the men I date, but I think this is kinda cute. A Jonathan Swift reference is a great way to start, in my opinion. Although he lost me when he used the phrase "socially retarded."
I've been married for 10+ years, but I don't have a problem with this. Seems like he has a sense of humor.
Is it bad that I'd probably give him a shot?
If there wasn't a Mr.Beez, I might love this guy.
seems like a decent enough guy.
I...actually prefer something like this. I don't like bullshit and small talk. Other than his use of a slur, this is the exact way to woo me. Straight and to the point, my heart doth swoon.