
1. Fuck the snowflakes.

Kerr also added: Except for the ‘96 Bulls. Those guys, especially the guys coming off the bench, would have crushed this team.

Bill Cosby played fullback for Temple. Sports!

Personal anecdote, as I’m blessed to sit very near the national broadcasters desk when the home games I attend are televised on ESPN and TNT. Jeff Van Gundy was watching the halftime entertainment, which that night was the Chinese lady who rides a unicycle, balances bowls on her foot, then kicks them up and they all

I feel terrible for you if you’re letting a commercial ruin Thomas Middleditch.

Kelly Rowland is a huge J.R. Smith fan and was shouting down Igoudala from the upper deck. No mention of that apparently.

I don’t care about KD. I don’t care about Rihanna. Jeff Van Gundy, though? That man is a goddamn delight.


This shit right here is what Twitter was made for.

LOL thats good stuff

Y’all were worried about Trump tweeting out the nuclear launch codes? Well guess what motherfuckers!

My monthly Democrate just came in the mail and all
I got was some stupid Obama poster and an autographed photo of Cher. I was expecting weed, or explosives. Fuck you, Democrate.

  • Trump–joined by Ivanka, Jared Kushner, and a coterie of White House aides who have blocked me on Twitter–met with Pope Francis at the Vatican. The Pope didn’t look so happy!

Donald Trump is to holding hands as Donald Trump is to speaking coherently.

and setting good examples for young athletes.

Nice try with the headline. He is an Islamic Terrorist.

Lol I went back and forth and decided to post the wrong thing instead of Googling the right info. This is what Curt Schilling must feel like on a daily basis using the internet.

The Hall is in Springfield, Massachusetts. Sending him to Ohio would just be cruel.

Not in a warehouse?!? How are those statues going to survive outdoors?