
Right, but many goalies load the bottle up with backwash before the game. Its just another one of their of weird superstitions.

This way it's like a fun guess-the-slur game. "Yo, what's up now, Rutabagas?"

I didn't see any reviews that said they taste bad. Given the epic downside, the fact that most reviews still mentioned how delicious they are must mean that they are really, really delicious.

You'll be hearing from my stool solicitor. Good day, sir!

Agreed! I am frequently mocked for saying "Good grief!" But really, what else are you going to say when someone snatches away the football you are about to kick?

I remember the Olean disclaimers when those chips first came out, they included my all-time favorite polite euphemism: "may result in unsolicited stools."

I recall that Lamar Odom was pissed at young Blake Griffin a few years ago for continuing to hustle and scrap for rebounds late in a game that had already been decided. I'm not disputing your point, this sort of "trying hard when you have a lead is disrespectful to the losing team" crap seems much more common in

I deeply believe that I'm wrong about stuff. When people tell me that its true, I refuse to believe them.

I have this friend... that I'm married to... who has a poor image of herself in a number of specific areas, and she accepts all opinions that reinforce this view (for example, she will instantly and forever internalize the opinion of an underpants-on-the-outside-crazy person living behind a dumpster who said her shoes

Mine is a very particular and ritualistic eater, too. It has become a running joke that he wont try any new (non-meat) food until you've offered it to him three times. I'll present him with, lets say...an almond. He'll sniff it, give it a lick to be polite, and look away. I'll offer it to him again, seconds later,

My chowchow could never catch treats for shit, they'd just hit him right between the eyes and then he'd eat them off the floor. I had given up on him, but then I saw him catch a piece of bbq chicken at a picnic, and he looked like a young Brooks Robinson (i.e. good at catching, for you non-sports folks). It turns out

I expect it from Deadspin, but I'm a bit shocked that a baseball cap collector doesn't know how to use an apostrophe.

He thought it was okay to slap her because she hadn't run five yards yet.

I've been doing my "shakeweight" celebration gesture forever. But I get caught jerking off one dude in a bus station bathroom, and the whole media narrative spontaneously changes!

The only thing that changed was the media narrative...

Psh. Probably a really low ceiling.

No, it's a time series...he just stays up there between photos.

In my house, if you say "OOPS!" when dropping food on the floor, it doesn't count as feeding the dogs from the table. There may be a legal loophole here...if a Boisean wants to help this guy, they should just very loudly declare in front of witnesses, "I don't know if you're a collegiate athlete or not, but since you

You probably weren't the only one, but now you definitely won't be. Henceforth I will be also laughing. [e.t.a. Earlier today I was thinking that if I ever own a sports team I will name it The Tallywackers, but now I am strongly considering The Thunder-nuggets.]

I expect the labeling and probably the color scheme of the Carolinas to change quite a lot.