
BigFrog T-Shirts check their webpage and see if there is a store near you. I have one near me in Wesley Chapel Florida. I think they are all over though.

Unfortunately this is not a new situation. Games have been moving this way ever since MMO’s started to decorate the gaming landscape. IMO most developers target the acerage gamer ie. ages 14-25 limited money and social life. There was a fairly good early review of destiny 2 from youtuber BDobbinsFTW that explains why

How dare you use personal experiences and logic to explain away irrational and uninformed opinion. You should be ashamed...tut...tut

Nothing goes over my head...I'm to fast I would catch it.

Game 1: Dunno

John Romita jr. was one of the main reasons I got into comics and drawing in general. His run on the Uncanny X-men in the mid to late 80's is just sooo friggin' fantastic. I mean I'm not eloquent enough to put it into words. Please let these pictures explain it. It's not rose colored glasses it's pure artistic power.

I think the funniest thing is that even going back to the Magnavox Odyssey folks still had there over-excited fake game faces. Although they were a tad more restrained. I guess the SAG hadn't implemented rules for that yet.

I guess I never thought of the humor as awkward just the characters...but I suppose that's your point. Alrighty then, fairs fair awkward it is. Thanks

OK OK OK...I have to ask, what reason do people keep saying it's awkward for? Yes I know what the word awkward means. Just curious because I thought the comic timing on almost all of the scenes was brilliant. Of course my humor level peaks at Shawn of the dead, Supertroopers, Venture Brothers and Archer so take it for

I truly don't think most people get the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps.

Awesome, now if we could get Titanfall into this thing...Just saying.

Love Rom and love to see him although maybe not so beat up.

If you have 2 PCI-E slots, a healthy power supply, and Windows XP or Windows 7 you can run An ATI card and an lower powered (ie cheap) Nvidia card as a dedicated PPU. There is a forum out there that has hundreds of pages and links to a program by a guy named Gen-X that will enable the ability to use the two cards

Perhaps we've just been the victims of an elaborate plan.

Gabe Newell = The Anti Ko-Dick (Yes I know Ko-Dick is not EA :)

1) There is a village somewhere missing an idiot

Everyone knows damn well that the toughest cartridge ever is Atari 2600's game O' the millennium... E.T.

@Archaotic: I'm glad that I'm behind them 110% I know that's NOT possible but I am. Being juvenile is what makes some games worth playing. To help de-stress from the all the seriousness of what's it called again...OH yeah...REALITY. Go on wit yo bad selfs Platinum games. :)

@cesariojpn: I approve your correct usage of FRELLING...I miss that show soooo frelling much.

@Deadlyhazard: LA LA LA LA...I Can't hear you. What's wrong with you people??? Buncha SICKOS