
@La Commisionaire: A...a...bag of sand...waitaminute dowg...is...U a VIRGIINNN!!!!

meant to add the /S for SARCASM

I thought that declaring FIRST'S got you the banhammer on Kotaku.

Pfff...their shoulderpads aren't that big...just saying.

@mmseng: I'm glad someone said it...PHEWWW!!!

Shouldn't it be an ART-CADE???

@Doinker: I hate Chihuahuas...sorry couldn't help myself

I should do some research but I'm way to lazy this evening.

@NecronomiconUK: I'll be here all week don't forget to tip the waitresses.

@balloon_thief: I have one that I'll be ebaying shortly let me know if you want it. I have a handful of games too.

Let me know I have one I was gonna Ebay shortly and I have a handful of games as well.

Nice and Clean...unplayed...yep it's Time Traveler alright. I used to like looking at the game or is that into it?

The Dreamcast is, was and always shall be my friend...BUT...that being said I'd put it on the street like a 5 cent hooker if I had to choose for the awesomeness that is the SATURN. My favorite Sega console ever and I have them all.

@arionfrost: Well the PC engine wasn't a PC but I see where you're going with that :)

@GohanGVO: Silly...because if it wasn't full of so-called "USELESS TRIVIA" then it would have to be filled with things like girlfriends birthdays, doctors appointments, grocery lists, anniversaries, and other things of that ilk. ;)

What does this have to do with gaming again?

Wasn't this featured in the movie Soylent Green?