
An internet hug for you anyway, then. It's okay, we all make mistakes.

*crossed (Fixed that for you)

One of my greatest disappointments in life is that I missed the chance to go see Rush live when they were in Ohio because I had to leave for school the day before they played. My dad went and visited the Rock and Roll museum, basically having the greatest concert experience ever. If I ever have the chance, I'll


"It hasn't affected my business yet," he said. "Clients have brought it up, but they've mainly laughed about it. I haven't lost any clients."

That's why you capitalize the first letter of the word. #DoingItWrong

2011: The year that bitching didn't do shit.

Remember when this show was scary? Yeah, like, the first three episodes. And then? Meh. Drama, and a bit of thriller kind of stuff, but nothing really scary (I DID watch the whole season in like, 4 days...)

Woah, Chuck is still on the air? (I'm a big fan, I just didn't realize it was still on TV)

>Animated movie

While I haven't seen something like the title just appearing over the course of a trailer, did anyone else find it a bit distracting? >_> (I did like it, otherwise)

I want what you're smoking.

I'll ignore it.

Finally, the advantage I NEED to beat my mom and her friends! (They cheat)

Put her at a piano and she'll kick ass, otherwise, she sucks.

Buy Left 4 Dead 2, you'll get all the maps from L4D 1.

I got 25 per cent off a Valve title.. But I already have almost all their games ;-;

See, there you go again with your hype building headline.

I think they only brought mainly XBox characters.