
Some buddies and I watched it the way it was meant to: Stoned and watching the rifftrax version. I don't really remember much, but I DO remember they had a commercial for a toy I was going to get my brother that they sell on Thinkgeek, 30 YEARS LATER.

Dude had cancer, and his entire jaw had to be removed. I don't like the guy (video games as art, HATING what I like, ect.), but the story behind it is actually interesting.

It's a shame when they be throwing away a perfectly good white boy like that.

Twoooo dollarrrs!

Five dollars says we hear something about Half Life 3.

Played it the other day. I enjoyed it, other than the SLOWWWWWW CRAAAAWWWLLL of moving.

It's 10 cents today. Buy it now and get the update later!

What's that? Your company isn't as cool as you originally thought? Really?

Some fellow art students and I would like to have a word with you about how 'useful' an iPad would be here in art school.

I remember living in Germany (military parents) and one day getting one of Kid Vid's glow in the dark toys, with an outer shell or something like that that you could remove. I must have been around 4 or 5, cuz I obviously don't remember what happened to it.

Kill it with ALL the fire! ;n;

There's this girl at my school that made one herself and wears it whenever we have nerf wars. Damn she's cute. She's so... Short....

There's a scene at about 2/3 into the movie where it's obvious they had to go with CGI, it's one of the scenes involving Jack Black. It didn't bother me, it's just that it's noticeable.

There's a bit of CG stuff, but it's not obnoxious, it's more to add Ninja like moves to one or two sequences in which their feet are required to do stuff.

Y'all's faces when you don't understand Christwire is a parody site and spout religious debate.


If Michael Keaton is actually Jeff's dad instead of Bill Murray... I'd be okay with that...

Check the background of the third clip when Annie says 'Beetlejuice.'

I've always wanted to bring it up, but does anyone else think that the Grooveshark logo and the Black Mesa logo look eerily similar?

At my college we have Nerf wars every thursday. Some people go a little overboard with their guns (such as making working Nerf sniper rifles that leave marks...)