
That's why I'm obtaining a degree in Sequential Art at the Savannah College of art and Design. We learn both the history of comics AND how to make better comics. Best part, it's a major, AND a minor here. So we've got Oregon beat by a couple of years.

Neopets to Pornhub. Aaaaaaand go.

I dig what the man is doing but I sometimes find him condescending and a little pretentious when it comes to his growing fame. I'll admit the man is a lot smarter than I'll ever be, and what he's doing is fantastic when it comes to the growth of the scientific community, it's just I feel his ego sometimes gets the

Because bad photoshop is bad.

That'll do.

I see that Larry here is going to be wonderful in the new Evil Dead film!

Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean it's right. Also, learn proper grammar. This is 2012 you mewling quim.

Think of it this way, have you ever seen a coffin (other than an open casket) that showed a dead persons face in any form of fiction? (I could be wrong, but I've never seen such a thing.)

It's the fact that this just happened and they're already blaming video games, the go-to excuse for everything wrong in this country.

No, YOU'RE boring. And so is the second season, but the rest is fantastic.

Oh my god hotness I wanttoBANGyou!

I heard 'For truthjustice!'

Read this all in Morgan Freeman's voice.

Your voice and lyrics are annoying.

Your opinion is still wrong, though. That's the thing. I don't think you understand that.

Insta-Troll for saying Just Cause and not Just Cause 2. Have you ever tried to drive a damn car in that game? Those things are looser than my first girl-friend.

You're not watching the right shows..

The problem is that when people are running and holding a camera, there's a natural bounce of the human body that shakes the camera. Luckily there's almost no actual Shaky-Cam in the film at all.

It's better than the Dark Knight Rises by a long shot.