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Normally I am against genetic manipulation on the part of humans... but I've never seen a Scottishfold Muchkin! Wook at his wittle face!

As a native Floridian and an ex-pat of over a decade, I cannot recommend it enough.


wow i really always come in with top notch input. i am an invaluable member of the jez commentariat. this place would fly into chaos without my organized and thought-provoking comments.

That's along the lines of my first thoughts too. Glad I scrolled down before I made a similar post!


If this is true, I will die of happiness.

Gosh, they might have to find a parking lot or a freeway exit and handle the issue. What a ghastly thing to imagine.

If I were the dog, I'd be way madder with the human being than the elephant.

PS re cats, buttholes, etc. If I miss morning feeding time by 5 minutes, mine comes and stands on my head. Not sit, or lay. STAND. On all 4s. On my head!

My almost-12-pound cat will jump on my stomach from the window ledge to wake me up. If I try to keep him out of the bedroom he would just scratch the door incessantly.

My elephant is also a cat. He favours the poke-the-human-repeatedly-in-the-face technique.

I have eaten rabbit many times, and because I am a crazy person, I also feed it to my cats. Bunnies are indeed adorable, but they are prey animals, and they provide ford for many a carnivore. As long as they are ethically raised, I have no moral issues with eating them. In many places, where rabbits are an invasive

We'd need to see them play a few games of Scrabble to be sure. I anticipate lots of three letter words.

Couldn't happen to a better asshole.

Rick Perry: too dumb to know he's too dumb to run for President again.

That man is so.. crinkly.

i used to try and nap under my desk between call shifts at the job i had when i was in my early 20s. they were all like ADULTOSAUR YOU CANT DO THAT and i was like IDK I FIT SO I THINK I FUCKING CAN

oh i have another one!

Get in line behind me! 10 year old me was all about him in Angels in the Outfield!

Urgh, assholes give us pet travelers a bad name. I have a lot of friends who bring rescues home from abroad, and we always do it right with proper carries and stuff. Mine is really fine mesh and canvas, so it doesn't let dander get everywhere.