Oh, no. These were totally wild manatees. They’re super docile. But again, they’re protected and we were with a licensed guide and carefully supervised.
I have paid money for the privilege of swimming with manatees, and to be honest, I started hyperventilating when I was in the water and got near one. They are positively massive. However, they’re super sweet and friendly and absolutely adorable. They will grab your legs with their flippers and nom on your hair if you…
Typically, composting animal products attracts pests like rats, mice, raccoons, strays, etc. It also stinks to high hell. This is why it's not recommended, especially in a city environment.
One time he came home from work and found open everything that could be opened. And then I announced we will live like that, it's much simpler.
I'm totally one of those people. Granted, I don't drink soda often (bleck). Or eat movie theatre popcorn... I'm allergic to corn syrup, so I literally can't do regular soft drinks or else I'll puke up my feet and break out in hives. HFCS is the worst.
Fair enough, I stand corrected. Science proves you right. Regular soap and water.
If you come into contact with someone that has TB, all of the antibacterial soap in the world isn't going to save you, it's an airborne pathogen. And MRSA is becoming resistant to Troclosan, sooooo.... it's really a problem that it's in so many things that the general public can use.
Anti-bacterial soaps are really unnecessary unless you work in the medical field or science research and are exposed to potential pathogens. Generally, for real-life purposes, hot water and friction alone are enough to get the "bad" germs off your hands.
Dolphins don't actually go into heat... They also engage in sexual activity during the times they aren't fertile, just like people do. They also engage in homosexual sex and regularly masturbate.
A friend of mine did it with her cats! Except it wasn't diamonds (they're like $2500 to make!!), it was glass.
I gave both my rings back to my ex-husband. I know for a fact that he "recycled" them with his new wife. I also know for a fact that she was really, really pissed when she found out.
Check out ABraThatFits
I actually had, but the series of catastrophic events that finally spurred my separation from my husband happened after the wedding. It was a mess.
In a long term relationship with the wonderful friend who drilled into my head the fact that I'm a good person and deserve to be happy.
Just last week I told my parents they should just get divorced and stop making each other miserable. They've been married for 32 years. I blame them partially for my dysfunctional view of relationships and making me think I had to stay with my emotionally stunted, hateful, ex-husband.
I personally, was married for three months before I separated from my husband. We had been together for 8 years.
It's actually really unlikely he currently plays football for the university. The first attack occurred during a rain delay of the football game, which means all the players were in the stadium still in uniform.
A lot of the ones I looked at appear to be in using C60 as a delivery vehicle for other drugs. Admittedly, I'll need to sift through the nanoparticle/nanotube stuff that I don't understand at all to find something worthwhile. I noticed that there's some notice of the stuff for a potential alzheimer's treatment. But…
In my search of PubMed, there have been quite a few studies published on Fullerene C60 in the past year. Looks like it's up and coming in the nanoparticle world. And its use as a carrier material for chemo and other drugs, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory are also being studied.