
I can attest to that, in Chicago. I can also note that it is almost always an SUV, the person is almost always small in stature, and that absolutely no fucks were given when soaring in like it arrived on floodwater. Usually the person is on the phone and can't be fucking bothered to pay attention to anything going

James Franco is such a douchebag, and he looks like an even bigger douche in this video.

You know what surprises me?

Sheesh buddy, did something strike a nerve regarding the SLPD?

Yeah yeah, because it's really about the "ethics in journalism" right? ;) Let us know how your keyboard-tough guy "no women/gays" attitude works when you have a job.

I see zero resemblance. I mean aside from being white.

It's a shame that Twitter does next to nothing about the death and rape threats that these women receive. Sarkeesian made several mentions of how she'd report these and receive next to no help or response.

ohai! Actually I wasn't being sarcastic. I could tell that you're not a racist person, but I said that remark trying to indicate, as I said, that it's what the racists have been saying when the Ferguson topic is brought up. I don't recall hurling insults like "you moron" at you either, but whatevs. However, I see

Check your privilege, bro. You started out strong and convincing, and then said exactly what the typical racists say about this topic. Immediately victim-blaming the dead teenager isn't the point to be making.

Stopped checking facebook when everyone started popping out babies like it was a fucking contest. Then all I ever saw were baby photos of screaming babies with those creepy hole-y gums, and updates stating how "Baby-X did this today, and it's so funny and/or cute and reminds me of this stuff." or "I dressed my male

As an FSU Alumnus, I can guarantee you that they would not have suspended him if this game were against Miami or UF.

Am I seriously the only one who will say it?!

Don't you mean, COCK? C'mon!!!

Tell you what, I'll force you to have dick surgery, which shouldn't be at all painful or invasive, and we'll see how "rude" you are while you recuperate.

Christ there are a lot of police apologists in the comments here. How many times does it have to be stated that the data looks at police shootings even if the victim was armed, threatening and out to kill?

Not that I'm a lawyer, but isn't 78 women somewhat indicative of the company's 'pattern'? That's a healthy amount of people to all have this complaint.

Ugh, the grammar and spelling make me cry.

Jesse, I'm pretty sure you already covered that whole "worrying about Jesse and making sure Jesse is happy" department. Because you fucked a woman behind your wife's back, and now you're trying to get rich by bragging about it and writing a book on it.

I posted a photo of the grape salad I made, because I was sick of nothing but OBL and "Look at my obnoxious crying fat miserable baby AGAIN" updates.