I just hope he didn’t get any ickies in the New Glarus behind him.
I just hope he didn’t get any ickies in the New Glarus behind him.
Please remove the sacred cheese headpiece from this creep’s dome.
Strangulation is a class D violent felony offense, punishable by up to seven years in prison
Wow, that must have really sucked... I absolutely love Asian food. By far my favorite is Nondenominational Anational Rice Dish.
That looks like what his response would be to Don Lemon’s existence too.
I saw the Acro-cats in Pittsburgh a few years ago. Between the actual act and the people who attended, it was one hell of an interesting show. I should mention it came during anthrocon so lots of tails.
My nephew used to sing it with meows. Meow meow meow meowmeowmeow meowmeowmeow. It was weird.
My parrot, who is valiantly trying to learn to whistle this tune, heartily approves.
When we played Star Wars during recess I ALWAYS played an Ewok or a Stormtrooper. I never got to play Princess Leia. She was always played by other girls. I never spoke up and asked to play her and I regret it to this day. Had to share.
i just never thought their relationship would work, i mean what with him always shooting first.
I mean...I think it would be amazing to hang out with Grace Jones and Iman, but I also recognize that I’m not cool enough to handle it.
I really liked this piece — I think it does a good job of bringing out some nuances around trying to be a good, diligent partner. That said, I really need to point out some trends in the comments section that are representative of what happens in every comments section on the topic of sexual behavior.
I love how white men that claim to live in fear of ‘government tyranny’ and believe that it is righteous to rebel against it are the first ones to insist that all black people should strictly obey every police officer like a submissive dog.
Except that The Hunger Games already exists with a male lead, under the title of Every Other Action Movie Ever Made: Parts XXI-DCLXVI.
crush Scout Walker’s skull with swinging logs.
Maybe he’s confused and actually has crabs?
“Hangover Monday! We’re barfing up good deals left and right!”
That was an amazingly long-winded and much winding route to a final point that really has no foundation in reality.
White people have discovered that they are the REAL victims of racism and prejudice recently as well.
Any wedding gift that's motivated by affection for one or both halves of the happy couple and can be opened in public without undue shame is an appropriate wedding gift. I thought it was charming, and if my husband and I had gotten a gift basket of candies or gourmet delicacies, we would've loved it.