He says it in the lyrics of “This is How We Do It!”
He says it in the lyrics of “This is How We Do It!”
Kelly Dodds’ is the worst: “Call animal control, ‘cause there’s a cougar on the loose in the OC.”
The added “in the OC,” kills me every time. It reminds me of Jean Ralphio Saperstein’s raps on Parks and Rec that always end a little after they should.
Jon Gruden. I have no idea why. I think his hair makes me angry.
I have plantar fasciitis and am always looking for shoes that are supportive, yet not too old lady looking. How are these in terms of support?
I have plantar fasciitis and am always looking for shoes that are supportive, yet not too old lady looking. How are…
As long as Princess Michael is also not invited. Hissss
If you can, donate to Randy Bryce, his opponent. Randy is basically all the Paul Ryan isn’t. We’d be really lucky to have him in Congress.
This just makes me remember how much I liked that awful show “Gallery Girls.”
That was regular Law and Order! Thank you for mentioning one of my favorite lines of the L&O Diaspora, it makes me laugh every time I see it. I am going to forever associate it with the Trumps.
Tituss Burgess has the most expressive eyes ever. I seriously love watching him.
Adam Pally is fabulous. In 2012 he made a stop at my Obama field office, along with Danny DeVito, and MAC and Dennis from It’s Always Sunny. They were all absolutely charming, and so nice to all our volunteers, getting ready to knock doors in the rain for Obama. I ended up talking about my specific role in the…
What about you lederhosen? Or spaghetti? Those are totally things White People like!
If the Amazing Acro Cats come to your town, go see them. They are hilarious and the kitties do their tricks when they want to. Which is hilarious. Also, Tuna and the Rock Cats are great. And they are all rescues!
2008, I was pregnant and am a huge political nerd. I was watching when Obama announced his presidential campaign, and when Caroline Kennedy came on, talked about the legacy of her dad and how she believed in Obama. I absolutely lost it and called my mom saying things like “WAHHHHH AND HER DAD WAS PRESIDENT AND HE GOT…
Schrodinger’s Russian President?
Good gracious. I totally teared up at the end of this.
I loved that show so much. I havent seen it in decades, but I can’t imagine its aged well.
I had hyperemesis too. I felt so cheated out of enjoying being pregnant. I had people tell me that it was all in my head, which definitely made things worse. Then, as the pregnancy progressed, I also developed gestational diabetes and then preeclampsia. My kid is the best ever, but being pregnant was the worst.…
This needs to be read by HR departments everywhere. I worked at a job recently, which was practically my dream job, but I only made it a year before I had to quit. I have never worked in an environment that was so abrasive and actively non-collaborative. It was a constant stream of being berated for the most…