The problem is - Bad Movies are very, very hard to recreate on purpose. If you strike out to make Plan 9 From Outer Space or Troll 2, you’ll just wind up with The Asylum’s output. Bad Movies have to be organic, something that kind of happens.
And thus the superiority of physical media is once again asserted.
One could argue that the premise to Ghostbusters was a throwaway line in the opening reel: “The franchise rights alone will make us rich!”
It is a testament to Fincher’s amazing ability that he was able to craft . . . .something. . . out of that massive mountain of pre-production shit.
They made more Alien flicks after Aliens? Huh. Imagine that.
It centers on a group of kids who get lost in the Star Wars galaxy and have to find their way home
How does it stack up to the first one from 2002-ish?
If Airplane! doesn’t top that list, I will fucking RIOT!
You seemed to have missed the common connecting thread for all the above: they also sucked.
I am going to click your star, then unclick it, then click it again.
Just watched the original clip from the movie over on youtube. Aren’t all the backup dancers white? At least they looked that way with the terrible youtube compression.
Bad? Yes. Should they be doing it? No.
As long as I’ve been eating them in my 50 years of walking the planet.
Can we get a reese’s where the peanut butter isn’t dry and stale like the goddamned Sahara? That would make me happy.
A military force gets built up to defeat a terrible fascist enemy, and the very second it becomes convenient, they became just as evil as the villains they won a war against.
At first blush, after WW84 I don’t think Jenkins should be given major creative control over anything. But upon reflection, I would argue that she was never any good and the only reason that the first one was so well received was because Man of Fail and Battle of the Superfriends were SO fucking awful. Battlefield…
That was one of the other things that confused me about the show: why are they sending Wednesday to a school for outcasts and weirdos? The Adams NEVER saw themselves as the weird outcasts. It was everyone else that were the weird ones.
Dude, it had Roger Moore and everything!
That’s the other thing that bugged the hell out of me with the show - the friction between Mother and Daughter spawned from Morticia forcing Wednesday into a mold. She would have never done that. She would have supported whatever direction Wednesday wanted to go with her life. The Addams are - first and foremost - a…