Eh, its not a new thing. How many exploitation and horror flicks wheeled out John Carradine towards the end of his life for a couple of scenes so they can claim that they have a named star in their no-budget flick?
Eh, its not a new thing. How many exploitation and horror flicks wheeled out John Carradine towards the end of his life for a couple of scenes so they can claim that they have a named star in their no-budget flick?
There might be some who would rather not go in with so many details spelled out ahead of time.
>They’ve actually managed to beat DC in terms of fucking up a shared universe.
Also appropriate, since I’ve not seen a Work worked harder since Lawler and Andy went at it.
I dunno what was gonna follow that ‘I could...’ but I’d love a peek into the alternate universe where he finished that sentence.
People fell for this? That ‘slap’ was the biggest Work I’ve seen since Jerry Lawler and Andy Kaufman were in the ring together.
Speaking of new music, Eurovision has finished up posting all the songs for this years ESC:
You know what the show really needs right now? A Bohemian Doctor, a Doctor who rolls into town just as Monster Of The Week shows up, unless of course it’s a six part season climax, where the last two parts are the Daleks or something, the mastermind behind whatever’s going on.
Well, she has to have all that room to put that big heart of hers.
Um, Sam. I hate to break it to you, but your character died in the last movie.
He was a voice in The Lego Movie, and that movie is very much in the W column.
I have no skin in this race. I watched the first couple of episodes, thought the show was crap and bailed. That said. . .
President Z can play the piano, so mad respect!
The demon code also prevents Dave Grohl from declining a rock off challenge!
I’ve always thought that the Family was WAY more creepy and disturbing than Leatherface. Oh don’t get me wrong, Leatherface was brutal as hell, but he always struck me more as an upset toddler who was going “Why the fuck are all these people suddenly just wandering into my house?!?” than the actual villain of the…
The name is from the books.