
I def get why it’s important to conservationists and historians. But this seems like a champagne problem (not to say that it’s not important or so granular that too niche as to be insignificant.) And I’m honestly wondering why it’s better off in a museum collection? Don’t most delicate items like that just hide in the

If you’re so invested in fetishizing a dress and hating a celebrity that you’re okay making this comment, maybe step back.

I don’t know about burning but in my mind, if you’re so obsessed about the person that you’d fetishize an article of clothing you’re not really honouring a person.

Can someone explain to me why I should care about this? From my perspective, the dress was in a private collection, lent by the owner. It feels like entitlement to be so upset for so long about it? Feels...misplaced to obsess over the garments of a long-dead woman who seemed to have been treated pretty shabbily in

Oh, I thought they said they were seeing a therapist now for the first time in their post? My mistake.

I can see you have really strong feelings on this, but I’m not willing to speculate beyond saying that violent shitty people can be violent and shitty. I don’t have a personal stake in this beyond calling for people to center this teen and consider the framing of these discussions about queer and trans people.

Yeah, I can totally see that. I’m glad they’ve said they’re going to therapy! I hope they found a good one and it’ll be a healing process.

I mean, that’s not what I was saying, but I can see why that’s your take-away (especially if you’re currently a parent.)

Rampant trans hatred really does makes it harder for people to figure out whether you’re a terrifying bigot trying to legislate people out of existence (ie murder them) or send your kid to conversion therapy (ie murder them) or if you’re trying to protect your child from a notoriously abusive person. I hope for Tokata’

Wow, that Ezra Miller story should not be a line at the bottom of an unrelated post. There’s a lot to unpack there, and I hope y’all touch on it a bit more.

England especially doesn’t need any bonus transphobia ATM (or ever, but especially right now, tbh.)

I’m so sorry you had that experience. I hope you’ve got access to a better gyno? And it’s so strange that you have to hunt for informtion about post-insertion pain? I saw a few articles that say it may cause cramping for 3-6 months after and realised it was not common knowledge at all.

I feel like it’s par for the course. Same thing happened to millions of people getting IUDs implanted. For decades people were like, “this is excrutiating, wtf” and given nothing more than ibuprofen. I’m guessing it’s the same situation. Instead of assuming that patients (women and possibly trans people) were the

I mean, it was probably just women + trans people harmed. No one gives two shits about our reproductive pain on a good day.

I sympathise! I live in (apparently) one of the highest polution neighbourhoods outside of London and my girl is getting on in age and she can’t handle the summer very well (even though it’s English summer and she’s a white dog with brindle spots).

Ah, *before* air con! (Though with it must be incredibly brutal as well, never mind expensive.)

I don’t know anything about US law: because the jury wasn’t sequestered, is that grounds for an appeal?

Whatever you say. Good luck to you in your future endeavours.

It’s so weird that you’re talking about others being triggered while being upset about an assumed Eminem reference and a wildly misperceived (or terrible attempt at a joke) about your sexuality. Makes me wonder what would happen to you if a stadium full of people started laughing at your childhood bullying to your

English diplomats getting hazard pay?