
Read tweets from at least 2 women along the lines of “Fuck Gone Girl & Gillian Flynn for making women look bad/giving people an excuse to label us as psychopaths” related to the AH and JD trial. Claiming, in public, that AH isn’t believed/seen as a victim because of Gone Girl is a take I never expected to read.

This is absolutely baffling, from top to bottom. How old are you if teens were calling you stan and referring to Eminem? And what do you think being gay excuses you from?

If you’re not a transphobe fanboy, it’s not coming across in your comments. Ex: which “perjorative words” were so offensive to you? Why do you think the author needs to support “the comedy community? Do you understand the implications/suggested meaning behind “appropriate”?

Maybe you can master that rhetorical feat of explaining why transphobia is bad while uplifting a comedian who is being transphobic and indiscriminately “supporting the comedy community” (whatever the hell that’s supposed to mean to someone who isn’t a clueless stan) but what normal human would want to?

Yeah, it took me a long time to catch on, but “it could be worse” should always be viewed as a threat, not an attempt to comfort.

I mean, I do remember “was John Mulaney in a frat” being one of the autocomplete interview questions in an old Wired video, so I get it.

Not digging how “appropriate” is being made to work there, but I agree that “and here are some of my faves” was the way to end the post.

And, just checking, for you a grownup is anyone over the exact age of 18 years?

Are you one of those celebrity women countdown watchers? Like, the second someone turns 18 they’re fair game kind of deal?

How many accounts do you have?

About what?

Agree with this wholeheartedly. Some of these responses are really just parroting Rape Culture Top 100 talking points (especially the one saying quoting a reporter who said these people violated their own boundaries? Or that it’s condescending to say that 18 isn’t an adult? Wild stuff.)

Your personal feelings on this aren’t really relevent if that’s the only critique you can muster. It’s also really alarming that this seems to be the only article you’ve commented on? Did you create this account for the purpose of arguing that vulnerable people over the age of majority can’t be groomed?

Do you think this is infantalizing because you believe it waters down the legal term regarding children?

Grooming is seen by many as something that occurs when there is a power differential. For example:

Sorry if I’m being dense, but I don’t get the celebration of pimping?

If it were me I’d have a think about why categorizing people based on hormones (homemade or store bought) would make someone think I’m transphobic instead of being sarcastic about it.

Lol, sure thing bud. And I bet you’ve also got a story about men pretending to be women in order to infiltrate women’s spaces to assault them for sale, real cheap.

Do you think testesterone is magic? Or that classing athletes on hormone production alone is nothing short of dystopic?

Yeah, but why do something that makes sense and helps level the playing field when you can just be a raging bigot?

Yeah, people keep glossing over the sexual harrassment (arguably sexual assault) bit of this story and it’s weird...