
In a cartoon, if someone showed up in this dress and cried, “I CAN’T GET MARRIED IN THIS!” someone would make a couple of strategic rips and cuts and turn it into something passable. (But even then, I’m really struggling to undersdtand where those cuts and rips would be.)

This is not great advice, and I’m confused as to why you gave it, and if it was based on research, personal experience, or your assumptions.

Mind your business.

The only reason I can think to excuse this show AT ALL is that it’s free because they’re on the show? Including unlimited aftercare hopefully?

Her gofundme for medical, legal costs: https://www.gofundme.com/f/chizam-berlinda?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer

While saying “she’s bad at stuff, lol, so I kicked ass and made her learn” to your friends and acquaintances? Just fucking wild.

I’d conjured an abusive parent that many people recognized from real life.

Such great news in the face of the Keira Bell case being decided badly in the UK. So happy to meet Elliot!

This sounds like a lot of internalised ableism. Why do you think that something that is applicable to your version of a disorder is widely applicable to all of us? Do you think you are special or that the rest of us are lazy? Honestly, if you can’t understand that there is a spectrum of severity and the influence of

This is a really ableist thing to say. If a person is neurodivergent, their lateness isn’t about you, and not because of a lack of respect. You should read about executive dysfunction and time blindness. People with ADHD typically have a dozen alarms set just to get out the door on time, never mind with everything

SUPER fun times! <3

<3 <3 I hope you're talking about this in public spaces online because when I finally figured out what the fuck was going on, I had to fight for a diagnosis so hard, and then I found out it's the same for most AFAB people. Talking about my experience got other people to seek help, and them talking got other people to

*waves in ADHD, undiagnosed until mid-thirties*

I mean, how did people forget this? 

Is there any context to this or do you really believe there is a blanket yes or no answer to this question?

It feels very mish-mash late 70s early 80s posh people shit.

Lol, how about they start by prosecuting run-of-the-mill rapes and sexual assaults before trying to add new legislation to protect victims of misogyny.

That’s too fucking little. That’d pocket change and disrespectful.

My text to my friends immediately after seeing this trailer: “They turned my stifling gothic into a sexy thriller 🙁”

I mean, I guess the coroner has to touch a lot of body parts? Maybe they’re equating it with how a live person would feel about having their sexual/ised organs touched?