
Now I know (because of trolls) that pelvic floor exercises are prescribed to people with vaginas AND people who do not vaginas. Thanks! I love to learn! Please learn that Kegel was a gynaecologist who specifically described his ‘patented’ exercise for vag-havers, and other applications came later. If you’re gonna be

I mean, the point is that it’s weird, flag-planting behaviour to name an exercise that can only be performed by people with vaginas after yourself, a cis dude? Anyway, I think the point was that he probably didn’t come up with the idea, was just the first to have his views widely published/accepted. A quick Google

God, she looks like Bad Janet’s older, right-wing not-a-sister.

This was Ontario, near Mississauga.

Holy shit, why did this post so many times? So sorry, that’s intense!

I mean, this is an ideal scenario and not one that plays out for everyone. This past week an old man having a psychotic break was shot to death by the cops in his apartment. The EMT decided they couldn’t handle it. He was an old man, threatening himself with a knife. Apparently they shot him in the back 7 times.

Thanks for this. I think it’s really important that people understand the virulent and horrific transphobia permeating most parts of the internet right now. 

I live in the UK and I feel like one of the main Feminist exports ATM is transphobia, so thanks for article. Would be really great if you could interview someone like Dr. Veronica Ivy who has done some really great work aggregating and analysing the research re: hormone therapy and athletes and is herself a great

He thinks that a man actively trying to break the rules is an example of how men will all break the rules (without having verified what the rules are, I imagine.)

Thanks for sharing your insight, I think it really helps to get first-hand experience from people who have experienced hormone therapies to get people to better understand how it affects bodies.

It’s clear you feel really attacked, and I’m sorry for that, it wasn’t my intention. My point is that these issues aren’t hidden in discrete boxes (see intersectional feminism for more info about that.) I gave example of targeting hijabis/burka as misogyny and racism intertwined in France (banning religious symbols

I’m not American, and have lived in France. 

I don’t know if it’s your intention, but it makes it appear as though you believe racism and sexual abuse/sexual harassment are mutually exclusive issues. You cannot put different forms of oppression in little boxes and say “misogyny and racism are not the same so don’t bring up one when discussing the other.”

I don’t know if it’s your intention, but it makes it appear as though you believe racism and sexual abuse/sexual harassment are mutually exclusive issues. You cannot put different forms of oppression in little boxes and say “misogyny and racism are not the same so don’t bring up one when discussing the other.”

Agreed. The problem here seems to be the entire system of evaluation & support. As outlined, women should never be presented as the solution to the problem of male desire and violence. 


It was my pleasure. If I’d only known in Uni that the key to making me focus on my Traductions 100 homework was to be LIVID maybe I would have stuck with it...

I did a quick and dirty translation for people who want to witness this (thanks for sharing and for the further context!) This man is FUCKING INSANE and I can’t believe he’s not in jail or worse.