
Agreed. Skype on my iPad works better than facetime any day of the week. The video is smooth (on wifi.. never tried it on 3G/4G) and the sound is incredibly crisp. My facetime icon gets shoved in a stuff folder lol.

Agreed. I'll just buy it in the store when it shows up. I hate waiting for it to get shipped. Then there's the days of refreshing the tracking number on the web.. then you're tempted to skip work for a day to tackle the Fedex guy.. easier to just go to the store and buy it. =)

News Flash: Giving Alcoholics LSD makes them forget completely about alcohol. /boggle

So you mean we shouldn't be shutting down file sharing sites simply because they can be used for piracy? What a novel idea. =)

Well said good man.. well said. Wonder how long it's going to be before some judge realizes.. hey.. if I keep allowing shenanigans like this to go on, I'll be putting a whole industry out of business. No more online backups. I personally am going to throw a party when the MPAA finds its prey winning in court and

+1, my 5 year old quad-core PC is blowing through HD video and games like they are butter. Helps that I built it, and built it for speed.

The problem arises when the tips are cash and it gets pocketed when the tables are cleaned. Tip sharing is crap, always has been. What do you think happens when a waitress reports less than minimum wage for her pay period? It gets bumped up to minimum anyway. All workers in the US, regardless of tips, should make

Lets see.. new Terra Nova would probably keep me from cancelling my Netflix subscription because there isn't a whole lot else that's going to keep me from doing that in the near future. Less and less movies to watch, and the ones we have access to are crap (streaming only). I'm currently re-watching all of the tv

Lol.. then there are people who have owned Apple devices since the first iPhone and knew better than to buy any Apple products between October - March of any year but do it anyway. Not that I'm one of those poeple.. er.. okay maybe I am. ;(

DVR.. oh snap! ;) Commercials are fun to watch as they fly by in half second chunks. ;P

Agreed. An e-book should cost no more than the paperback version of that book.. yet we see them at somewhere near 200% - 300% of that price all the time. If they had multimedia attached to them (yay pictures! lol) then I wouldn't mind but...

Don't get me wrong, LOST was one of my all time favorites. Only thing I had against it was the constant cliffhanger episode that lasted 7 seasons. I tended to skip entire seasons and watch them all at once and it gave me much more enjoyment (skipping commercials didn't hurt either lol).

In other news (*hypothetical*): Fraudster's are now selling iPad 1's on eBay as 'NEW iPads' instead of 'THE NEW iPad' and claim 'we never said it was THE new iPad, only that it was A new iPad' and PayPal won't honor the claims by buyers. lol

Re-read and understood. I have both Android and iOS devices so it doesn't affect me fortunately. But it was a pain initially to have to re-buy a few games that I had on iOS on Android. In that respect I completely agree. I, however, will likely dump all Android hardware by the end of this year as it just hasn't

The iPad doesn't tweak my nads as much as the rumored Android updates for the LG Thrill that we'll never see. hah!

<—-thinks the beans need to be spilled soon because it's not going to last 3 more seasons. I think it's more of a 'Lost' scenario where they really don't have the answers to these questions and are making it up as they go along. If we're lucky we'll get some closure IF the show is allowed to produce at least one

If I was new I'd have an excuse lol. Unfortunately I don't. =)

By 'personal time' you mean furiously slamming refresh on store.apple.com then yes haha. The rest may be molesting socks. ;P

@TobyMegnsk You may still. Apple just bent over everyone (myself included) who bought an iPad 2 around xmas 2011. They just devalued the hardware by $100. Anyone who hadn't sold theirs by earlier today will be taking a hell of a hit. Problem is that most iPad 2 owners will probably just keep it to avoid the huge

@CaptainJack I've never had to re-buy anything out of the Apple App store. The same apps I used with my original iPhone 2g can be loaded onto my iPad. I'm not pro-apple, and I happen to have an android phone as well now, but just 'sayin'. Heck, music I purchased years ago is available as a free download from iTunes.