
Uh.. yea i've been removing this crap from people's PC's for years now. It's nothing new. Every year it gets a couple of new names but it's the same old crap. It also gets tougher to remove if people are stupid enough to go very far with it.

We also say that traveling faster than light is not possible.. yet we now have theories about how to do just that. Never say never.

I think it's a smart choice, not dorky. And now you know of two.. I went from a 2 pack a day menthol habit to 100% e-cigs inside of a week. Been free of cigarettes for over two years now.

I quit smoking 2.5 years ago using e-cigs, and yes.. I still use them because of the Nicotine as well as the habit. I'd take the shot if it was safe; I can make my own e-liquid without nicotine just as easy and then only use them when I need to satisfy my habit. I'd for sure use it, but would big tobacco ever allow

I'll second that. Having to click through responses is a pain.

I love the tech in my Ford as-is thank you. I will be disabling this "feature" so I can road rage with everyone else lol.

Ok so now we know what zombie's breathe.. apocalypse in 5.. 4.. 3..

There was a time I'd have been excited to see SyFy on that list for streaming content.. but other than the last season of Eureka this year I could care less.

...and you'll go blind

If that guy doesn't make 500,000 a year he's flippin nuts. I almost lost my breakfast just watching that video. Matter of fact, couldn't watch the thing full screen, made me queasy lol. I used to work with guys who would climb 150' towers. My favorite part was getting a call on the radio saying "hey, bring me up

I wouldn't trust any social media site with private messages. At least private messages that are really 'private' in nature. For that matter I wouldn't trust non-encrypted e-mail either.. now where did I put that foil hat?

Third! Do I get a discount for being 3rd? lol.

You forgot the obligatory mention of swamp gas and Venus. ;P

Nah. The G-Spot.

My brother, who was 26 at the time, took me to see Alien when I was 10. It was rated R and I still got to see it. Yes. I had the greatest. brother. ever.

I can't wait to see what happens when smart people start saying "Um.. no." When their employers ask for their login details to Facebook. They get fired and find out unemployment is denied because it was their fault they got fired. Then we can spend millions of taxpayer dollars on stupid lawsuits once again.. thanks

Bah! (insert grumbling and whining about shipping delays here)

That's what gets me about electronic cigarettes. I quit smoking 2 years ago using them but am still greeted with contempt on occasion when using them. They don't stink, don't create 2nd hand smoke, don't cause cancer/health issues. Yet I get the evil eye from people. You'd think they'd be happy that I chose to do

Yea ... yea.. that's the ticket. =)

Yea.. reading further into the comments it may be possible he was using a school laptop which might make him guilty and subject to punishment, but I can't abide any punishment for doing something outside of school in his own time and using his own property and/or in the privacy of his own home. I'll just have to