
Actually.. the response they'll get from the petition will likely be signed by the president electronically but it'll just spout some sort of "we're doing this for your own good because ####millions are lost each year due to piracy" reply. These petitions get nobody's attention at all. The only thing that gets their

In other news.. ID Theft is on the rise. Mother of four arrested for drive-off and she doesn't even own a car!

So.. why don't we retrofit the oxygen system from the F-35 into this plane, and get rid of the faulty OBOGS. Duh. More money? Pffft. Here's an idea, take back some of that bailout money you gave to those execs a couple years ago. But I'm not bitter. ;P

Ahh.. the alien whipped out his pee pee.. gross!

If both of those shows — which are presumably cheaper, because pretty much any show would be significantly cheaper than Terra Nova — perform well in the ratings, Fox may decide a renewal isn't a cost effective move. [About.com]

Ok.. the rainbow colored one was cool.. the rest was meh.. except for the explosions which looked fun.. cuz blowin stuff up is always fun!

What we need are individual channels streaming their entire live feed on the Internet so we can subscribe to what we want and build our own packages. Until that happens I'm simply not impressed. Even if that did happen, I'd certainly not pay per minute, per show, per anything rates. Free or Monthly unlimited fee or

They can kick CIQ's creator's ass all they want, but unless carriers and manufacturers are forced to put out OS/Firmware updates to rid us of the spyware it'll remain on our phones. It's on my AT&T phone, and lord knows they'll take a year to get an update out to fix it lol.

So.. I don't see ASSHAT hit that list.. ;P

...and what would stop you from going to a blog somewhere that updates the ip lists for specific sites and adding that to your hosts file? Or.. run your own custom DNS server and correcting the entries yourself? ;P This is a stupid waste of taxpayer money and it will break the Internet for idiots yes.. but for the

Actually, the desktop versions need to go as well. That's the only thing that will force the change on the Internet to non-flash content. I'm glad I have a flash enabled phone at the moment but I wouldn't need flash if it wasn't used on such a high percentage of content on the net. Stopping support for mobile

The fact has always remained that Apple products are closed systems. The resistance to embrace things like flash, or the stringent process of getting an app passed the app store gestapo holds their systems back. Bring out the iPhone 5 or 6 and give it native support for flash, html5, etc. and throttle the sensors a

Agreed. There's more than enough people to start filling generation ships/colony ships.. now if our government(s) would just catch up by spending the required money on technology and space exploration instead of spending all their money bailing out companies that deserved to fail.. did I say that out loud? oops.

What they did not want you to see...

"...if you don't want something to exist, you can have magical thinking" .. You mean like Adobe Flash?

Having worked for an ISP for many years I can tell you that your 'spectrum', 'frequency', # of G's, has very little to do with it if the tower you are being fed from has a sub-par pipe for the Internet. AT&T may give each and every one of their users in an area 14mbit of downstream and feed that with a 10mbit

Agreed. It's a simple ploy to A) make more money and B) to make the fanboy's want the new version next time around because it'll have 1gb. Less ram may work fine for the restrictive iOS apps, but it limits developers and it in general slows down the hardware when future updates come along that need more ram. Meh I

Once this thing is out for a few weeks, someone will grab the security sector off the new 320 drive, buy the drive (or a compatible one) at half that price, and start selling them on ebay with the aftermarket case for ~$80. You can find a 250gb version for less than that right now, all generic though. So far Live

4. Not convinced either way. Will wait for early adopters to see what flaws they whine about.