
Could I get that in Triffid Green please? ;)

I have 3 HDTV's in my house, all with media PC's/Devices that are capable of watching Netflix. The first time I get this warning Netflix goes bye bye. I can understand if they detect separate IP's accessing multiple show's on the same account, but the same IP address should be allowed multiple streams under one

So when exactly are they going to be able to calculate the next PowerBall numbers for me? Just tell them to email them to me here:

What amazes me is that in 20 years the developers of linux still have not come to the conclusion that a device manager is needed. If the average user could fire up a device manager, click on whatever device isn't working (because there's always going to be one) click to update the driver there would be a whole lot

So can I now have flash on my iPhone so I don't have to go to 'Droid? ;P

If Jason just happens to be reading this.. go slap the moron that did the 3D for the movie. It was the most blurrified-disorienting crappy attempt at 3D I've seen. I'm going to have to see the movie again in 2D to enjoy it.

What's really funny is that they spend all their time trying to negate the effects of nicotine in the body when MAOI's that are also in cigarettes are also just as addictive. I switched to e-cigarettes 1.5 years ago, have not looked back. The roughest part was the first few months. Even though I was getting

It sounds to me like you use as much bandwidth as a commercial entity. Although I agree that shutting off your access should be criminal, and a form of discrimination, users who use that much bandwidth should be required to purchase a commercial service. Having said that, a T1 (in my area anyway) will cost you about

18 months free of cigarettes thanks to Electronic Cigarettes. ;) Filter whatever you want, I'll never go back. I feel great!

Lol.. you may have horrible 3G coverage, but the rest of us in the other 95% of AT&T's network are still stuck with EDGE. Until I see true nationwide 3G coverage anything else they come up with is just.. MEH!

Unless you eat them, then you get the flu. ;P

@Mike Zuniga : Bah, Humbug: Scifi will be on my sh*t list forever for killing SGU without a replacement. It ranks right up there with putting wrestling on the channel. That's 2 strikes Sci-Fi.. wanna go for 3?

@jdale: There's an option not to use that.

"And these type of deals have been going on for months?"

Lol.. I ship USPS all the time. Trust me, they are not that trustworthy. I've seen Priority mail take 5 days just like First Class mail. I've seen Express take 2 full days instead of one. Take my advice and adjust the dates above to:

Cry me a river. OMG we gave that guy 10mbit of speed and he.. um.. he.. frikkin uses it! Quick ban-hammer that idiot! No. .wait.. lets charge him toll fees for the use of his unlimited Internet he already pays for.. or better yet... lets LIMIT his use of it!


My iPhone alarms went off just fine this morning.. /shrug

'bout time! This series was a insult to the BSG universe. The whole VR crap was incredibly boring.

So.. that zombie that was chasing you has a greater chance of forgetting that you're hiding in a fridge before you run out of air if the last person's brain he ate had Alzheimer's?