
I've made my decision. I don't like Rush. He's an evil manipulative, lying, buttwipe. He needs to be fed to the next available flesh eating alien and they need to figure out how to open the gate long enough to send in McKay. Nuff said. ;)

Um.. at $5 a month.. i'm there. ;)

@Screaming: I'd have to agree.. optical illusion. The bolt hit far behind the statue.

Thanks Gizmodo! I've been a fan of Jeffrey Combs most of my adult life. There should be many more tributes to his work; he is a phenominal actor.

I'd say they should have billed the family the $75 and put it out. Actually coming to the fire to watch this family's life be destroyed over a $75 bill is nothing but malicious and in-human. If I was a fireman I'd have paid the money myself and put the damn thing out. I hope the other people who paid their fee and

God please don't make us read subs all through this movie.. you might as well do the thing in stick figures on frikkin notebook paper, we're going to spend the entire time reading not looking at the cool effects. If it hits the theater subbed but ends up on DVD later in english they won't get a dollar from me at the

"I'm not coughing up $30 to watch it on my couch". How about you and 10 of your friends at $3 each?

Here's an idea.. disconnect your Internet connection and stop browsing pr0n. /shrug


So.. what you're saying is that Mr McGill has climbed atop the Jobs hill to shake his fist at the world and say 'Blu-Ray sucks, our way is better'. Just curious if he shares that mound with Steve or if Steve rented it to him for this quarter. Get a clue. Flash and Blu-Ray are here to stay. Microsoft is just too

Lol.. notice how they tossed out Michael Bay's name there for good measure.

I was sent an invite some time ago.. meh. I passed. There needs to be a good enough reason to watch reruns with commercials in them and PAY $10 a month to do it.

Electronic Cigarettes.

The mid-season breaks/hiatus really gets annoying these days. All in all it was simply B O R I N G most of the time. Most of the entire premise could be done in a 2-hour or several 2-hour miniseries spots. No need for a 2-5 season show unless they intend to bore us completely to death. We'd rather have more BSG.

Meh.. SB is not too old to do a sequel, something after the series end. I think fans would much rather see that over a silly reboot/remake.

@JEmlay: Don't get me wrong, the early adopters are there to find the bugs for me lol. Its part of the reason I started my iPhone contract with the original 90 days after it came out. By the time i'm up for renewal every 2 years I can easily decide if the bugs are worth an upgrade.

@TD99: Amen bro!

lol solution will probably be a recall.. you'll have to front $600 for a new ip4 then send yours in, if its in pristine condition they'll credit you back the $600 if not, they'll credit you back a portion of it haha. Better be nice to your mail carrier!


I sure am glad my contract wasn't up yet for the iPhone 4. Cool features and all, the signal issue woul drive me nuts since I live in the other 95% of AT&T's network where coverage is spotty and still on Edge. I'll be this issue won't be there in the iPhone 5 (or 4GS, whatever they call it next year) which is the