I had a great time with it. It is a shame this game is so uninspired and a ridiculous money-grab.
I had a great time with it. It is a shame this game is so uninspired and a ridiculous money-grab.
As opposed to a so-sobriquet?
This is really bizarre. From god awful, cringe-inducing trailers to what is, apparently, a good movie?? I kinda wanted this to flop super hard so that maybe, just maybe, another dead reboot tossed onto the growing pile of other dead reboots might make Hollywood change their tune.
But... where’s the tit armour? You can’t have a female character in armour that doesn’t emphasise her boobage, right? That’s not how comics work!!!
WOOOOOO! This is so awesome!! I should probably wait before running out to buy an Xbone though, right? Is the Scorpio worth the wait?
What the ever-humping fuckballs did I just read? Has someone slipped something into my coffee? Am I still asleep?
Pro-tip - don’t stick around to gloat. I snuffed out the gunrunner in the garage but decided to hang around and see what the AI got up to. They decided I was hella suspicious after a few minutes and killed me dead, that is what they got up to.
7 quadrillion figanewtons?
Oh good lord! What is wrong with his chest?! Did someone forget to study human anatomy when they drew that or is he some kind of demon spawn?
My guess is that she is another potential cash cow for Marvel so why not shove her into the main universe to get as much of that sweet, sweet green as they can.
Someone in the DC roster looking like they are enjoying themselves... I just couldn’t figure out what was so incongruous about this clip I’ve been seeing.
He totally went out like a punk - betrayed and getting his arm lopped off by a whiny bitch traitor. It wasn’t as bad as some of the other deaths, like Kit Fisto, getting one-shot by Palpatine, but it was a pretty crap way to go. I am completely happy with the idea of him surviving and doing a Jules in the underbelly…
Seconded and thirded!
I don’t normally say this but ...
I... have you seen this show? You have an entire family tree bred out of pure incest, not to mention the current ruling family which ALSO practiced brother-sister incest. An aunt and nephew (who likely don’t even know their relationship) is hardly gross by this show’s standards.
Do they have a quota to fill or something?
He completely dominated S2 to the point where I genuinely did not care about what should have been a kick ass story of ninjas and assassins tearing up NYC.
That would be so incredible.
I laugh because I experience this kind of frustration on a near daily basis.
Hmm. You know, I am thinking I might have done the same thing? In my mind he always has one regardless of what I am reading in front of me.