I could be completely wrong here, but I’m guessing this is just Gita’s fixation on Tumblr being shoehorned into the article that has nothing to do with it.
I could be completely wrong here, but I’m guessing this is just Gita’s fixation on Tumblr being shoehorned into the article that has nothing to do with it.
But the on the whole this feels deeply predatory. While Kotaku writers may not feel the sense of the game’s pacing to be pushing you to buy more, folks at sites beg to differ from that opinion.
But we all promise to be really supportive of Elder Fahey if he’s unable to snacktaku because of his high blood pressure, right? Right everybody?... <sniffle>
I’m reminded of Superman/Captain Marvel: First Thunder, where Superman finds out that Captain Marvel (or Shazam because of weird copyright issues) is a small child, confronts the wizard Shazam about the fact that he thrusted a child with that much power and responsibility, and then decides to become Billy’s mentor.
As far as I am concerned, the only Robin Hood movie worth watching is the one where men are proud to wear tights.
Why are only comments of people mad at touchscreens here? This is a very cool hack btw.
Not complete without the Lord himself:
Ask your mother, Trebek! Ha! HA! HA!
Nah. You have every right to dislike something, but fuck right off with the idea everyone who does like it is pretending that they do. It’s one of the most insufferable geek postures around.
Seriously. It just goes to show how ingrained “crunch time” has become that people in the industry think of it as a natural disaster or something. Boy oh boy, isn’t it surprising how we keep having to work around the clock at the end of projects? It’s totally not the result of poor time budgeting and management in…
The first thing I said after walking out of TLJ underwhelmed was “at least Rebels is still doing good stories” and now I having nothing!
Tien and Yamcha are beasts and I LIVE FOR IT.
“Why are we on Hoth? And doesn’t it seem a little warm?”
Congratulations Alabama!
Since I now look like a crazy person responding to the word “dsxghdfj” (thank you Kinja), I’ll note here that the original post was talking about how Destiny 2 is essentially an MMORPG and how it’s pretty standard for games like World of Warcraft to lock players out of content every time an expansion rolls around.
One of my favorites was A-10 Tank Killer by Dynamix.
The only people that loot boxes etc... ‘prey’ on are those who are incapable of delaying their own gratification.
I think you just need to not get offended by a stupid comment on the internet, which is clearly a joke considering its inherent hypocrisy. Turn down your internet policing and enjoy the ride bub.
If you really want the “Heather isn’t fucking around version,” here it is:
Loot boxes are, ignoring the hair splitting of insufferable pedants like yourself, gambling. They are crafted, from probabilities to visual to their contents, to condition individuals and encourage repeated purchase and use. People with…