The wishlist is the quickest way I check to see if any of the games I am interested are on any given sale. Sheesh Sony, its not like that is a hard feature to keep/implement on your store front.
Almost looks like the 1000 chimps banging away at typewriters, writing Shakespeare, took a break to do some Kinja.
So basically you see this as ALL NEGATIVE then
This is pretty wild. Curious to see what this means for the future of bethesda properties on PS. I’m guessing they will treat this like they did with Minecraft and still release on other platforms.
Here’s me wiping the sweat from my brow. I mean, everyone and their grandma predicted the price point, but you never know with these guys.
Reading between the lines of some of Supergiant’s interviews it sounds like:
Looks like the Microsoft Store couldn’t run Crysis.
I feel like having that many games in the bundle takes away it’s value. I’m sure all 700 games are made by super smart hard working people, but they must also mostly be terrible right?
Fuck yeah and fuck you, haters of this once-trash-tier game that has somehow managed to capture my attention again despite me being one of the haters I’m saying fuck you to.
On top of all that, Brosnan has a reputation for being a super decent and nice human being. This article comes off as petty.
I would recommend to anybody who has an Xbox to take advantage of the deal I used:
Huh? Vikings is just a generic term for Norse people from that era. Specifically people that traveled on long boats to new lands. It’s well known that women played a significant role in that.
yeah, but gamepass is getting Red Dead Redemption 2 so.....
This is all highly accurate and I agree with all of it. I especially like how you titled the post ‘Five Best FF Games’ and then listed FFX as the sixth game, clearly indicating it is not one of the best FF games, which is also accurate.
This is all highly accurate and I agree with all of it. I especially like how you titled the post ‘Five Best FF…
I know it’s a pipe dream (ba-dum PSH), but a Super Mario RPG remaster maybe?
So it sounds like they set themselves up for failure. Their goal was to make something groundbreaking like HL-1 and HL-2 when the goal really should have been to just finish up the stupid story arc. The "episode" moniker should have been enough to justify this to themselves. The previous episodes were just refinements…
I wish we could get a remake of Saga.
Jumping to the Vita after playing on the Switch for a while, it’s such a shock to see how vastly better the Vita’s screen looks. It’s amazing. Plus there’s the fact that it just feels so much more well built. I’ll keep playing mine until it no longer functions!