
How do you download a game that's being run from a server? What are you gonna run said downloaded game on since there is no local hardware? I agree with a netflix-style service but the whole point is no console to buy.

No surprise, it’s a great game.

Always wanted a Nomad as a kid. Being able to play Genesis games in the car was a dream wish. Probably lucky that I didn't get one - the Game Gear sapped enough batteries as it was...

It’s got two hours of battery life. Alienware reinvented the Sega Genesis Nomad for a new generation.

If a game or developer does not align with your politics and you feel strongly about it, then don’t buy the game. By all means, take a stand. Sign an online petition stating that you’re not buying the game because it fails to give equal representation to women. If you want to enact real change and enough people feel

OMG why would you even do that?? Oh, you said disc. Never mind.

A lot of solid announcements! Was hoping to see the fifth Smash Ultimate fighter or something about Elden Ring, but still a lot of really interesting stuff! That Hellblade trailer blew me away.

You know my PC is good enough to handle the game but I’m not really in a position where I can spend 500-1000 bucks on a VR headset. I’d reckon most people aren’t either. Plus the economy isn’t exactly on the upswing right now. So despite really wanting to play Half-Life Alyx I’m gonna have to pass simply because it’s

The Gauntlets of Obtainment (+2)

Yoink Mitts

Rare is like a vintage axe - sure, the head may have been replaced a couple times, and it needed three or four replacement handles over the years, but it’s still the same old axe it always was!

Definitely looking forward to giving Nioh a try, and Outlast 2 will join my library of games I’ll eventually try out right next to the original.

I hope the fans are really happy, because this is essentially digital murder.

There’s an interesting book out there about early Silicon Valley business happenings - I think it’s Nudist on the Late Shift? - and they talk about the nervewracking details of what it takes to have a successful IPO, how dependent it is on so many things (market volatility) that the company can’t control, how

I can’t help but think that we, as a culture, throw around the phrase, “of all time,” far too casually.

I wish Google's Play Pass was half as good as this. At least we may have StadiaNERVOUS LAUGH.

If you have not seen Mindhunter on Netflix, Kemper was polite!

Only if the cat isn't neutered. 

It's actually coming out on switch too, just a little later.

“In response to this director’s comment that pop culture is too sensitive these days, here’s an snarky, backhanded screed about how offended we are by his remarks.”