
It purpose wasn’t to protect domestic auto makers. I mean, how could it even?

lol, you except the chicken tax, covering the largest US automotive sector, then call my claims “hand waving”.

I mean, that you had to mention the chicken tax for one. Or the 25 year rule banning imports. Or NAFTA/USMCA.

Why do you continue to act like vehicles coming from the USA are produced on a “fair” playing field?

Yea, by the time police are involved, there was already a failure in the system.

How dare an aircraft use an air field! Don’t they know that airfields are for snowmobiles?! It’s right there in the name.

I’m always surprised that casinos get away with calling card counting “cheating”.  Like you’re telling me that I can’t just pay attention and make your rigged game work slightly better in my favor?

Americas regulations:  “We’ll put guns on the front to shoot pedestrians out of the way so they don’t damage the hood.”

When I was a kid, the flying saucer making the news sort of looked like a blurry hat. It had sharp corners and the like and would move around randomly and change shape suddenly and would never be picked up on radar.

That plane needs to be retired.

“Guys! Obviously the cyber truck used it’s cameras to see that the truck behind it was just too much truck, so it completely shut off all it’s power and let itself be pulled flaccidly backwards! Elon is a super smart genius!”

I’m with you on that one.  “Retro” or not, it’s a shitty name.

Because Dodge has always been a shit box?

Does the hypocrisy of telling a car to move then slashing it’s tires so it can’t move also “get you”? Or are you too busy deepthroating that boot?

All I had to do was ignore your bullshit numbers you pulled out of thin air. Never minding that highway miles are most efficient for combustion engines, so improving city driving would help most with the overall “green” score.

Did *you* read your post?

The average US commute is like 30-40 miles. With an EV only range of 44 miles, 50% electric usage is probably conservative. If you can charge at work, even better.

I also have “unlimited funding to some extent”. It’s an oxymoron.

unlimited funds to some extent