
Actually the sole purpose is to launch a small projectile and a high velocity, since you’re so fond of pedantry.

Props on missing the point, brah.

What else is a gun used for, besides killing?

I once heard people use them to do this activity called hunting.

A tool, made for the sole purpose of killing, that makes killing no more difficult than clicking a button on a computer mouse.

You could put a Miata in the minivan too.

And if he misses the awning?

I am going to guess something about limiting the restrictions on business and the free market yadda bullshit ad nauseum.

He’s not entirely wrong, but it’s the opposite...

So strap your bones right to the seat
Come on in and don’t be shy —
Just to make your day complete
You might get baked into a pie

The Kizashi might have been a decent car if it didn’t look like like a (late) ‘90's time traveler.

A good CEO would recognize the value that a good halo car brings to brand recognition.

The guns aren’t the problem.

I was visiting a co-worker in Houston and made him take me to a gun range, since neither of us had shot a gun before. His first comment afterwards was that “it would be so easy to kill someone.”

But why would CAFE remove the choice of the more fuel efficient sedan and promote the “gas guzzling” SUV/truck?

I bet he’s still crying about this over a PintO rocky road.

That’s my point, adding a different kind of hinge to a door is not going to significantly change the cost of said car (see Toyota Cera), but now somehow doing something only found on high-end cars (but isn’t really expensive) is “fake” or “pretending.”

It’s got the interior of a car 2/3 its weight (Elise) and it can only do 2/3 the top speed of a car deserving of the doors.

Young people are (mostly) idiots.

TAMO isn’t any worse than NISMO, and certainly better than TRD.